A system for ranking game players by skill, based on Rémi Coulom's Whole History Rating algorithm, with modifications to support handicaps.
This is a port of GoShrine's implementation in Typescript.
npm i whr
const { WholeHistoryRating } = require('whr')
const whr = new WholeHistoryRating()
// WholeHistoryRating#createGame arguments: black player name, white player name, winner, day number, handicap
// Handicap should generally be less than 500 elo
whr.createGame("shusaku", "shusai", "B", 1, 0)
whr.createGame("shusaku", "shusai", "W", 2, 0)
whr.createGame("shusaku", "shusai", "W", 3, 0)
// Iterate the WHR algorithm towards convergence with more players/games, more iterations are needed.
// Results are stored in one triplet for each day: [day_number, elo_rating, uncertainty]
/* Output:
[[1, -43, 84],
[2, -45, 84],
[3, -45, 84]]
/* Output:
[[1, 43, 84],
[2, 45, 84],
[3, 45, 84]]
One of the meta parameters to WHR is the variance of rating change over one time step, :w2, which determines how much that a player's rating is likely change in one day. Higher numbers allow for faster progress. The default value is 300, which is fairly high.
whr = new WholeHistoryRating({w2: 17})