This project written in c++ using qt gui library cross platform application, allowing capture network packets and analysis it depending on set of filters
Readable code written in June, 2013 reviewed by PHD acadamic professors into Sh.A "Sherouk academy" Allowing cpature the whole packets passed throw the network card The main features is:
- Capture all network packets
- Decoding packets
- Filter incoming or outcoming packets according to set of filters such that ip, protocol, port.
- Save captured sessions
- Saved files compatible with wireshark network monitoring application
- Text searching inside the packet (Good Feature)
- Analysis the network traffic
- and many other features
Using LibPcap to deal with network card capture the packets control which packets are what we need
This application buitl on MVC technique the divide the application onto three parts 1- Model -> the drivers. compiling libraries, wrapper files 2- View -> the UI design and controls 3- Controls