list :
- the problem solving code of Dovelet Problems (using C, C++)
- the game programming code of Duelcgi(Simulator of Yu-Gi-Oh) Game (using Perl, ruby)
- the PHP-iOS application of our team(nine-spoons, the club of application (using php)
- the algorithm test system(in sophomore database project) (using php)
- the algorithm test sites(Incomplete) (using python)
the problem solving code of Dovelet Problems
dovelet is one of the most algorithm online judge(like a Project Euler, BOJ, Algospot, etc).
I just tried to solve some problems. then, my id(unicode) was the 56th people in the Dovelet User!
It is simple simulator in the Yugioh. I have downloaded the code to 6th grade(Elementary School). and developed until 2012~2013. I added so many system (Xyz, Synchro, etc...) But I stoped the developing this code.
It is simple PHP-iOS application(My side is php, other team member side is iOS.). It just save the Application's XML files. and, it shows the mobile page if our application is android application.
Using Python-flask, Bootstrap, etc.
it is my incomplete project. I made it in one day to use flask. so i can not remember this application :)