- Workshop Link http://steamcamproom0.hacker.fund/
- Link for students who want to follow along: https://repl.it/@zfogg/intro-to-the-commandline
- Times:
- 11:30 - 12:30 PDT
- 14:30 - 15:30 EDT
Unfortunately we won't have admin access on an online REPL :( and, it would be too messy to have everyone playing in the same REPL.
So I will do a lot of this through screenshare, and students can follow along if they like!
Use the link above^ to do that :)
Ask questions in the chat if you need to!
Further resources:
- Installing Linux on a Chromebook
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RPtJ9UyHS0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxuRxtrO2Ag
Timline: 55mins
10 mins
- teletype, typewriters
- Terminals and shells
10 mins
- UNIX, Linux, bash
- echo, cat, ls, rm, cp, mv, mkdir, touch
- REPL controls
- history: up, down
- history: search Ctrl-R
- Ctrl-C
- Commands and arguments
--help, -h
- man
- curl, wget
- ping, telnet
10 mins
- Working directory
- Moving around the filesystem
- Making directories and files
05 mins
- local variables
- set, unset, export
10 mins
- return codes
[ -d "$HOME" ] && echo "my home is $HOME" || echo " I have no home :("
- true, false
- $?
- Piping and redirecting
cat file.txt | less
more < file.txt
- Read through and explain the scripts i wrote in
- Use them with the skills we just learned
- If we have time (screenshare):
- Expansion
- !!, !!2, !!$
for f in *.txt; do cp "$f" "${f:r}.text"; done
- telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
10 mins
- What can you do with these skills?
- How do most people work?
- What other type of CLI