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Impacts of IAEA Safeguards Innovation

This dataset contains selected data from IAEA Annual Reports from 1970 - 2022, complemented by annual IAEA Safeguards Statements.


All of the data used in this work are from open-source reports.

Portions of the data used in this research were collected by Lenka Kollar as reported in [1] and shared directly with the author. Some of the budget data was also collected by staff at Argonne National Laboratory. IAEA Annual Reports can be accessed directly via the IAEA Annual Report page here: and the IAEA Nuclear Information System here: IAEA Annual Reports are copyrighted in the year following their release, and data have been excerpted in accordance with the IAEA Rights and Permissions procedures [2]. IAEA Safeguards Statements are released individually, and indexed by popular search engines. For example, the 2022 Safeguards Statement is available at:

This data has been approved for unclassified, unlimited release by Sandia National Laboratories (SAND2024-07096O). Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

[1] Kollar, L. (2009). Evolution of Safeguards over Time: Past, Present, and Projected Facilities, Material, and Budget. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Retrieved from

[2] IAEA, Rights and Permissions. Retrieved from

Code Book

Year – Year of reporting for which the data was collected. Data is available starting in 1970 and goes through 2022.

SignificantQuantities – Count of significant quantities of nuclear material under safeguards each year. Data is available for the full reporting period.

SGBudgJan2023USD – Annual budget for IAEA Safeguards. All values have been converted to US dollar value for January 2023.

ReprocessingPlants – The count of reprocessing plants under IAEA safeguards

EnrichmentPlants – The count of enrichment plants under IAEA safeguards

ENR – The sum of reprocessing and enrichment plants

TotalFacilities – The total count of nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards

PDI – Person days of inspection for a given year

AP – count of Additional Protocols to IAEA safeguards agreements in force each year

IS – the number of States for which integrated safeguards were applied each year

RDTstate – the count of states for which safeguards data streams with remote data transfer were enabled

RDTdatastreams – the count of safeguards data streams that were remotely transmitted to IAEA headquarters

Xtrab.USD2023 - IAEA Safeguards extrabudgetary expenditures for a given year, converted to US dollar value for January 2023

InspectionsPerformed - Count of IAEA safeguards inspections performed per year


Selected data from IAEA Annual Reports from 1970 - 2021






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