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This is the official source for our few-shot medical image segmentation paper "DenseMP: Unsupervised Dense Pre-training for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation"


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DenseMP: Unsupervised Dense Pre-training for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation

Official PyTorch implementation for the paper:

DenseMP: Unsupervised Dense Pre-training for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation

Zhaoxin Fan, Puquan Pan, Zeren Zhang, Ce Chen, Tianyang Wang, Siyang Zheng, Min Xu

License ↗

Few-shot medical image semantic segmentation is of paramount importance in the domain of medical image analysis. However, existing methodologies grapple with the challenge of data scarcity during the training phase, leading to over-fitting. To mitigate this issue, we introduce a novel Unsupervised Dense Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation Model Training Pipeline (DenseMP) that capitalizes on unsupervised dense pre-training. DenseMP is composed of two distinct stages: (1) segmentation-aware dense contrastive pre-training, and (2) few-shot-aware superpixel guided dense pre-training. These stages collaboratively yield a pre-trained initial model specifically designed for few-shot medical image segmentation, which can subsequently be fine-tuned on the target dataset. Our proposed pipeline significantly enhances the performance of the widely recognized few-shot segmentation model, PA-Net, achieving state-of-the-art results on the Abd-CT and Abd-MRI datasets. Code will be released after acceptance.

🔧 Usage

Stage 1: Segmentation-aware Dense Contrastive Pre-training


  1. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.
conda create -n open-mmlab python=3.7 -y
conda activate open-mmlab
  1. Installing
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
cd DenseCL
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
  1. (Optinal) Install google and future tensorboard
pip install google
pip install future tensorboard


  • ROCO: Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) Here we only use data from /roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/. And we implement the data structure as follows
    ├── openselfsup
    ├── benchmarks
    ├── configs
    ├── data
    │   ├── roco
    │   │   ├── ....jpg
    │   │   ├── ....jpg


  • Download the pre-trained backbones from ResNet101 pretrained by ImageNet and put the pth file under /Stage1/initmodel/
  • Download our trained Stage1 backbone from gdrive and put them under Stage2/pretrained_model/densecl/radiology_medical_image/, for Stage 2 training.


  • cd ./Stage1
  • Step 1 Training Train the shared backbone used in Stage 2 with the following command line. bash tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${GPUS} [optional arguments] Optional arguments are:
    • --resume_from ${CHECKPOINT_FILE}: Resume from a previous checkpoint file.
    • --pretrained ${PRETRAIN_WEIGHTS}: Load pretrained weights for the backbone.
  • Step 2 Extracting Backbone Weights
    python tools/ ${CHECKPOINT} ${WEIGHT_FILE}

Stage 2: Few-shot-aware Superpixel Guided Dense Pre-training

Pre-step: Installing dependencies

cd ./Stage2
pip install -r requirements.txt


For pre-processed data of Abd-MRI and Abd-CT, please download from gdrive


  • Download the pre-trained backbones of Stage 1 from gdrive and put them under Stage2/pretrained_model/densecl/radiology_medical_image/.
  • We provide trained DenseMP models for performance evaluation. Please put it under Stage2/exps


The results will be saved in expsfolder; remember to make sure the targetlogsfolder exist, or the logs may not be saved.

  • cd ./Stage2

  • Step 1 Training

    bash examples/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical/ | tee logs/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical_Train_5k_Mix_0
  • Step 2 Testing

    bash examples/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical/ | tee logs/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical_Test_5k_Mix_0
  • Step 3 Finetuning After obtaining the best model from Step 1&2, remember the modified the shfile in order to finetune the model to obtain the best performance.

    bash examples/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical/ | tee logs/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical_Ft_Train_5k_Mix_0

    after training, we evaluate the performance of the method

    bash examples/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical/ | tee logs/mri_ct_s1_l0/02_DenseCL_Medical_Ft_Test_5k_Mix_0


Performance comparison with the state-of-the-art approaches (i.e., SSL-ALPNet in terms of average Dice across all folds.)


Supporting Experiments

Comparison with SOTA pertaining methods using MMPreTrain

  1. Installation. For more detailed information, please refer to MMPreTrain

    quick steps for installation

    conda create -n open-mmlab python=3.8 pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y
    conda activate open-mmlab
    pip install openmim
    git clone
    cd mmpretrain
    mim install -e .
  2. Scripts

    We conducted experiments on the following backbones: Swin-SimMIM, ViT-MAE and Res50-SimCLR

    cd ./Supporting_Experiments/mmpretrain-main/
    # config=mae_vit-base-p16_4xb256-amp-coslr-50e_ROCO
    # config=simmim_swin-base-w7_4xb64_50e_ROCO
    # config=simclr_resnet50_4xb64-coslr-50e_ROCO
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU PORT=${port} ./tools/ ./projects/my_project/config/${config}.py 4 --work-dir output/${config}

    after Stage 1 training, we do finetune-training on Stage 2, remember to change the name of sh file and logdestination, results are save in /exps

    cd ./Stage2
    bash examples/mri_ct_s1_l0/03_OtherSSL_Medical/ 


    bash examples/mri_ct_s1_l0/03_OtherSSL_Medical/ | tee logs/mri_ct_s1_l0/03_VitMAE_Medical_Ft_Test_5k_MIX_0/


This repo is mainly built based on DenseCL, SSL_ALPNet and MMPreTrain. Thanks for their great work!


If you find our work and this repository useful. Please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation 📚.

  title={DenseMP: Unsupervised Dense Pre-training for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation},
  author={Fan, Zhaoxin and Pan, Puquan and Zhang, Zeren and Chen, Ce and Wang, Tianyang and Zheng, Siyang and Xu, Min},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09604},


This is the official source for our few-shot medical image segmentation paper "DenseMP: Unsupervised Dense Pre-training for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation"







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