Code for SMURF-THP: Score Matching-based UnceRtainty quantiFication for Transformer Hawkes Process, ICML 2023.
- Put the data folder inside the root folder, modify the data entry in .sh files accordingly. The datasets are available here.
cd scripts/so
# train and evaluate the model
- Obtain samples from langevin dynamics
- Get a confidence interval given a quantile(e.g 0.8)
- Calculate the ratio of true time falling in the interval(e.g 0.78)
- Calculate RMSE between the ratio and the quantile(e.g quantile: 0.1,0.2,...,0.9; ratio: 0.05,0.18,...,0.91)
Please cite the following paper if you use this code.
title={SMURF-THP: Score Matching-based UnceRtainty quantiFication for Transformer Hawkes Process},
author={Li, Zichong and Xu, Yanbo and Zuo, Simiao and Jiang, Haoming and Zhang, Chao and Zhao, Tuo and Zha, Hongyuan},
booktitle = {{ICML}},