9P2000 protocol client/server implemented in zig
- Test casesrc/9p.zig
- Libraryu9fs-server.sh
- Test server script
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const z9p = @import("9p.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
var allocator = gpa.allocator();
// Open connection
const stream = try std.net.tcpConnectToHost(allocator, "", 5640);
defer stream.close();
std.debug.print("Connected\n", .{});
// Initialize client
var client = z9p.simpleClient(allocator, stream.reader(), stream.writer());
defer client.deinit();
// Setup protocol
try client.connect(std.math.maxInt(u32));
// Login to the server with name at endpoint, returning a handle
const root = try client.attach(null, "dante", "");
defer root.clunk() catch unreachable;
std.debug.print("root: {any}\n", .{ root });
// Return a directory handle associated with the root
const top_dir = try root.walk(&.{ "" });
std.debug.print("top_dir: {any}\n", .{ top_dir });
// Open the directory for reading
try top_dir.open(.{});
std.debug.print("opened: {any}\n", .{ top_dir });
// Get directory information
const stat = try top_dir.stat();
defer stat.deinit();
std.debug.print("stat: {any}\n", .{ stat });
std.debug.print("size: {d}\n", .{ stat.length });
// Example of reading a directory (or file)
const buf = try top_dir.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, 99999);
defer allocator.free(buf);
std.debug.print("reader: {any}\n", .{ buf });
// List files and directories in a directory
const files = try top_dir.files();
defer files.deinit();
for (files.stats) |s| {
std.debug.print("{s} {s:6} {s:6} {d:8} {s}\n", .{ s.mode, s.uid, s.gid, s.length, s.name });
// Close a handle, deallocate it
try top_dir.clunk();
// Open another directory
const tmp = try root.walk(&.{ "tmp" });
// Create a file, handle is now associated with the file
try tmp.create("testing", .{ .user_read = true, .user_write = true, .group_read = true, .world_read = true }, .{});
// Delete the file associated with the handle, deallocate it
try tmp.remove();
const passwd = try root.walk(&.{ "etc", "passwd" });
defer passwd.clunk() catch unreachable;
try passwd.open(.{});
const pass_data = try passwd.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, 99999);
defer allocator.free(pass_data);
std.debug.print("/etc/passwd:\n{s}\n", .{ pass_data });
const new_file = try root.walk(&.{ "tmp" });
defer new_file.remove() catch unreachable;
// Create a file and write to it
try new_file.create("new_thing.txt", .{ .user_write = true, .user_read = true }, .{ .perm = .write });
const tons_of_data = [_]u8{'a'} ** 10000;
try new_file.writer().print(&tons_of_data, .{});