Dynamically extend SQL statements naturally, to avoid ORM.
For me, ORM is too complex. Usually, my purpose is only to do paging query and add some filter conditions dynamically.
Why not write directly on the SQL statement?
# raw sql
select id, en from feed where status=1
To add where condition, We can write like this:
import "github.com/zii/sqlroller"
q, args := sqlroller.R(`select id, en from feed where status=1`).And("user_id=?", 1).String()
fmt.Println(q, args)
select id, en from feed where status = 1 and user_id = ? [1]
Custom orderby and limit:
q, args := sqlroller.R(`select id, en from feed where status=1`).And("user_id=?", 1).
OrderBy("id desc").Limit(0, 10).String()
fmt.Println(q, args)
select id, en from feed where status=1 and user_id=1 order by id desc limit 0,10 [1]
ORM is difficult to handle multi table joint queries:
q, args := R(`select g.en, count(distinct p.lang) n from package p
inner join game g on g.id=p.game_id
where g.visible=1
group by g.id`).And("g.genre=?", 1).Limit(0, 10).String()
fmt.Println("q:", q, args)
select g.en, count(distinct p.lang) as n from package as p join game as g on g.id = p.game_id where g.visible = 1
and g.genre = ? group by g.id limit 0, 10 [1]
More practical usage:
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:@tcp(localhost:3306)/gamepal")
q, args := R(`select id, en, translated from game1`).And("translated=?", 1).
OrderBy("id desc").Limit(5, 10).String()
rows, err := db.Query(q, args...)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var id int
var en string
var tr bool
err := rows.Scan(&id, &en, &tr)
fmt.Println("row:", id, en, tr)