LAtent Subgroup Image-on-scalar Regression (LASIR)
To demonstrate how LASIR works, here's an toy example containing 500 individuals from 5 study sites.
N = 500
n_sites = 5
Here we consider 2D images, with 50 voxels at each dimensions:
# Simulate a set of 2-d images
grids = BayesGPfit::GP.generate.grids(d = 2, num_grids = 50)
V = 50*50 # Total number of voxels
We consider two main effect spatial varying coefficient structure (sparse, but with different sign):
main_effect_coef_1 = matrix(0, 50, 50)
main_effect_coef_1[15:35,15:35] = 2
main_effect_coef_1 = fields::image.smooth(main_effect_coef_1)$z
main_effect_coef_2 = matrix(0, 50, 50)
main_effect_coef_2[20:30,20:30] = -2
main_effect_coef_2 = fields::image.smooth(main_effect_coef_2)$z
main_effect_coef_intercept = matrix(0.2, 50, 50)
# Visualize SVCs of main effect
# Dummy dat
data <- expand.grid(X = 1:50, Y = 1:50)
data$Z1 <- c(main_effect_coef_1)
data$Z2 <- c(main_effect_coef_2)
# Heatmap
ggplot(data, aes(X, Y, fill= Z1)) +
ggplot(data, aes(X, Y, fill= Z2)) +
Generate covariates: $$ \begin{align} X_i&\sim N(2,1)\ Z_i&\sim N(1,1)\ U_i &\sim Cat(3, 1/3)\ \gamma_s(v) &\sim N(0,1); \quad \forall v\
\end{align} $$
# Simulate fixed effect and sites effect
X = rnorm(N, 2, sd = 1)
Z = rnorm(N, mean = 1, sd = 1)
sites = sample(1:n_sites, size = N, replace = T)
fixed_coef = rnorm(V, mean = 0, sd = 1)
sites_coef = matrix(0, n_sites, V)
for(s in 1:n_sites){
sites_coef[s,] = rnorm(V, mean = 0, sd = 1)
Finally, simulate the outcome based on the following true model: $$ y_i(v) = \beta_{} $$
# Simulate group indicator for each individual
nK = 2 # 2-subgroups
grp_ind = sample(1:2, size = N, replace = T)
grp1_idx = (grp_ind==1)
grp2_idx = (grp_ind==2)
# Simulate outcome image
Y = matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = V)
Y[grp1_idx,] = cbind(1, X[grp1_idx]) %*% rbind(c(main_effect_coef_intercept), c(main_effect_coef_1)) + sites_coef[sites[grp1_idx],] + Z[grp1_idx]%*% t(fixed_coef)
Y[grp2_idx,] = cbind(1, X[grp2_idx]) %*% rbind(c(main_effect_coef_intercept), c(main_effect_coef_2)) + sites_coef[sites[grp2_idx],] + Z[grp2_idx]%*% t(fixed_coef)
# Eigen-transformation applied on
eigen_trans = eigen.transform(Y, grids,poly_degree = 6)
# SEM fit
lasir_fit =$Y_star, as.matrix(X), as.matrix(Z), sites, nK = 2, max.iter = 20)
# Model Inference
lasir_inference = LASIR.inference(lasir_fit, eigen_trans)
# Dummy dat
data_fit <- expand.grid(X = 1:50, Y = 1:50)
data_fit$Z1 <- c(lasir_inference$main_effect_svcs[2,,1])
data_fit$Z2 <- c(lasir_inference$main_effect_svcs[2,,2])
# Heatmap
ggplot(data_fit, aes(X, Y, fill= Z1)) +
ggplot(data_fit, aes(X, Y, fill= Z2)) +
# Plot
aricode::NMI(lasir_fit$cluster, grp_ind)