- Energy Usage
- Waste
- Business Travel
It asks users some questions, and based on the answers, it calculates the amount of carbon footprint. It features:
- Carbon footprint calculation
- Showing the history of previously calculated carbon footprints
- Providing suggestions to reduce carbon footprint
It has been created using the Python Flask Framework for both frontend and backend.
The application has been primarily developed to serve the purpose of learning Python and applying it in practice. To use this application in the real world, more features and improved accuracy in the calculation of carbon footprint are required.
A demo of the application has been presented in the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chLfWDJtjlY
This project has been developed for the assignment of the course Computer Programming (M602A) in my MEng studies.
Minimum Python version: 3.9.x
Step 1: Install python3. (Minimum version 3.9.x, if the version is < 3.9.x , please upgrade)
Step 2: Run the following command from your terminal where the project is located: pip3 install virtualenv
Step 3: Run the following command: virtualenv env
Step 4: For Mac or Linux, run the following command: source env/bin/activate
. For Windows, run this instead: env\scripts\activate.bat
Step 6: Run the following command: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 7: Run the following command: python3 db-setup.py
Step 8: Run the following command: python3 app.py
The application should now be running using this URL: