A Python3 library for running many jobs on multiple processes, using MPI.
The following example runs 3 jobs. For each of them, a message is printed on the screen.
from mpi4py import MPI
from time import sleep
import mpijobs
class MyJob(mpijobs.Job):
def __init__(self,
self.params = params
self.result_str = None
def run(self, rank):
print("Hi, I am {0} (process {1})".format(self.params, rank))
# Pretend you're doing something useful
# Perform a simple computation and save the result
self.result_str = self.params.upper()
JOB_LIST = [MyJob(name) for name in ('Bob', 'Alice', 'Stephen')]
RESULTS = mpijobs.run_event_loop(MPI.COMM_WORLD, JOB_LIST)
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: # Only one process should print the results
print("strings computed by the processes = [{0}]"
.format(', '.join([x.result_str for x in RESULTS])))
print("elapsed_time = [{0}]"
.format(', '.join([str(x.running_time) for x in RESULTS])))
The program must be run using mpirun
(or an equivalent program,
depending on your MPI library):
mpirun -n 3 python3 example.py
The output is the following (actual ranks and times might vary):
Hi, I am Stephen (process 2) Hi, I am Alice (process 1) Hi, I am Bob (process 1) strings computed by the processes = [ALICE, STEPHEN, BOB] elapsed_time = [0:00:01.001056, 0:00:01.001088, 0:00:01.001041]
See the COPYRIGHT.md file.