Hi! I'm Kat! I'm a software dev who likes writing all sorts of random little libraries for fun in a variety of languages. I really enjoy Programming Language Theory, Lisp-related stuff, unix/linux, distributed programming, frontend webapp stuff, devops, community management, and making the tech industry a place where a bigger variety of people can find opportunity and success. I'm a Puerto Rican genderqueer woman, a polyglot, and I like talking about myself.
These days, I'm an engineer on the npm
CLI, an admin for LGBTQ in Technology, founder and admin for WeAllJS, I have a Twitter brand, and I give talks about tech stuff, and they tend to be about JavaScript, Node.js, and npm.
I figured it might be fun to open myself up for general questions, so I went ahead and forked this repo! You can ask me literally anything here.
Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Gay (as in queer) shit. Whatever.
- Ensure your question hasn't already been answered.
- Use a succinct title and description.
- Bugs & feature requests should be opened on the relevant issue tracker.
- Support questions are better asked on Stack Overflow.
- Be civil and polite.
- This repo is covered by the Contributor Covenant so if you feel like asking me or saying something edgy, please think carefully.