This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Starts the frontend for the application
Starts the backend with node
Starts the backend with nodemon for development
Create .env
file in the top level directory with the following variables
- DB_HOST - Connection string to MongoDB
- LOGGING - Boolean value to allow general logging
- VERBOSE - Boolean value to allow for verbose error logging from the endpoints
- REACT_APP_SERVER_HOST - URL to where the server is hosted, defaults to
- REACT_APP_SERVER_PORT - Port to run the endpoints on, defaults to
- API_KEY - API key for TMDB to get recommendations
- Can be acquired here
- DB_NAME - Name of Mongo database to be used, defaults to
- COLLECTION - Collection to be used in the Mongo database, defaults to
Expects a database named mydb
with a collection named movies
if none of the optional enviornment variables are used