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jpiekos edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 7 revisions


The github wiki for the VoltDB project will focus on documentation for those looking to build, modify and understand the VoltDB source code. This Wiki will likely be continually a W.I.P. Please let us know if content is broken or out of date. Feel free to fix content if you know how it should be fixed.

For binary downloads, user documentation and our community support forums, please visit our community site.

Contributing to VoltDB

We welcome contributions to the VoltDB community edition. Before we can accept pull requests and other contributions, however, we need each contributor to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). This agreement can be found here: To submit the agreement, please email a scanned copy of the signed agreement to

Getting In Touch

Discussion about VoltDB building, developing, internals or contributing is best suited to our Google Groups discussion list:

Discussion about installing VoltDB, running VoltDB, developing apps, or monitoring VoltDB is best suited to our user forums here:

For one off suggestions or feedback, you can also send email

If you don't know the best place to ask your question or offer your feedback, just send it anywhere. We won't be annoyed because we love hearing from people using VoltDB.

While this is Github, A pull request should probably not be the first we hear from you. It's very unlikely we'll be able to accept. Get in touch with us and we'll see how we can work together.

Contents (Red links are TODOs)

  1. Getting Set Up
  2. Digging Into Code
  3. VoltDB Internals