The code and data of Towards Open-Domain Named Entity Recognition via Neural Correction Models
- python3
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can download the models above and put them wherever you want. You only need to set the model_dir parameter in the OpenNER class to the address where the model is located. See the examples below.
from OpenNER import OpenNER
# load OpenNER-base
tagger = OpenNER()
# load OpenNER-large
tagger = OpenNER(bert_model='bert-large-cased', model_dir='model/OpenNER_large')
The default value of bert_model is bert-base-cased and the default value of model_dir is 'model/OpenNER_base'.
If you want to load OpenNER-large, you need to change bert_model to bert-large-cased.
If the location of your model is not in the default address, please change model_dir to the address where your model is located.
from OpenNER import OpenNER
# load OpenNER
tagger = OpenNER()
# run NER over sentence
print(tagger.predict("Despite winning the Asian Games title two years ago, Uzbekistan are in the finals as outsiders."))
This should print:
['Despite O', 'winning O', 'the O', 'Asian B-MISC', 'Games I-MISC', 'title O', 'two O', 'years O', 'ago O', ', O', 'Uzbekistan B-LOC', 'are O', 'in O', 'the O', 'finals O', 'as O', 'outsiders O', '. O']
You can also predict a batch of sentences, using the following codes:
# run NER over a batch of sentences
print(tagger.predict_batch(["Despite winning the Asian Games title two years ago, Uzbekistan are in the finals as outsiders.", "William Wang is an Assistant Professor from UCSB."]))
This should print:
[['Despite O', 'winning O', 'the O', 'Asian B-MISC', 'Games I-MISC', 'title O', 'two O', 'years O', 'ago O', ', O', 'Uzbekistan B-LOC', 'are O', 'in O', 'the O', 'finals O', 'as O', 'outsiders O', '. O'],
['William B-PER', 'Wang I-PER', 'is O', 'an O', 'Assistant O', 'Professor O', 'from O', 'UCSB B-ORG', '. O']]
You can also predict sentences in file, using the following codes:
# run NER over a file containing multiple sentences
tagger.predict_file("input.txt", "output.txt")
The format of input file should be one word per line and each sentence is separated by a blank line.
For example:
Each line of the output file is in this format: "token tag"
For example:
William B-PER
Wang I-PER
is O
from O
. O
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --input=input.txt --output=output.txt --bert_model=bert-base-cased --model_dir=model/OpenNER_base/ --max_seq_length=128 --eval_batch_size=32
Each line of the input file is in this format: "token Wiki_label DocRED_label"
cd correction
python --train_file=data/D1_train.txt --dev_file=data/D1_dev.txt --test_file=data/D1_test.txt --bert_model=bert-base-cased --task_name=ner --output_dir=out_D1_model --max_seq_length=128 --do_train --num_train_epochs 5 --do_eval --warmup_proportion=0.4
Remove --do_train and specify pred_file to save outputs
python --train_file=data/D1_train.txt --dev_file=data/D1_dev.txt --test_file=data/D1_test.txt --pred_file=data/pred.txt --bert_model=bert-base-cased --task_name=ner --output_dir=out_D1_model --max_seq_length=128 --do_eval --warmup_proportion=0.4