A source-to-source compiler and low-level assembler written in Haskell.
- Identification of the topic and group
- Installation and Execution
- Assembler (First Part)
- Compiler and Parser (Second Part)
- Conclusions
- Bibliography
- Short description: A source-to-source compiler and low-level assembler written in Haskell.
- Group: T08_G01
- Group members:
- Contribuition:
- José Miguel Moreira Isidro: 50%
- José António Santos Costa: 50%
- Project Assignment
To run this game you need a running Haskell environment, preferably GHCi.
- Open
, GHC's interactive environment; - Load
, located in thesrc
folder; - Call the
with a list of code instructions to run them. There are a few examples intests.hs
. - Call the
with a the code string to parse and run. There are a few examples intests.hs
. - To run all the predefined tests, call the
function with no arguments.
The first part of the project was a sucess, with the run
function succeeding in all given tests.
- The Variable type represents the variable names to be stored in State (storage);
- The Value data can be either an Integer value or a Boolean. This way, we can have this data represent all values for both the Stack and States. Moreover, we opted for the representation so we can easily operate and compare values without needing to convert them to other types.
-- Data type for variables
type Variable = String
-- Data type for values
data Value
= MyInt Integer
| MyBool Bool
deriving (Show)
- The Stack is a list of Values.
-- Data type for the machine stack
type Stack = [Value]
- The State is a list of Variable-Value pairs.
-- Data type for the machine state (storage)
type State = [(Variable, Value)]
These Stack functions are very straightforward. After convertin the stack to a string, it represents the stack as an ordered list of values, separated by commas and without spaces, with the leftmost value representing the top of the stack.
createEmptyStack :: Stack
createEmptyStack = []
stack2Str :: Stack -> String
stack2Str [] = ""
stack2Str [x] = showVal x
stack2Str (x:xs) = showVal x ++ "," ++ stack2Str xs
Below is the definition of the showVal
function, used to convert a Value data to string. This function is also used the state2Str
showVal :: Value -> String
showVal (MyInt intVal) = show intVal
showVal (MyBool True) = "True"
showVal (MyBool False) = "False"
In addition to the above, we have also implemented some auxiliary functions to check and update the stack, such as push
, pop
, top
and isEmpty
The State functions also straightforward, however a little more complex. After converting the state to a string, it represents the state as an list of pairs variable-value, separated by commas and without spaces, with the pairs ordered in alphabetical order of the variable name. Each variable-value pair is represented without spaces and using an ”=”.
createEmptyState :: State
createEmptyState = []
state2Str :: State -> String
state2Str state = intercalate "," [var ++ "=" ++ showVal val | (var, val) <- sortedState]
sortedState = sortBy (\(var, _) (val, _) -> compare var val) state
The run
function is the interpreter for a simple stack-based virtual machine, which executes machine instructions represented by the Inst
data type. The machine operates on a stack (Stack
) and maintains a state (State
) to store variable-value pairs. The function takes a triple (Code, Stack, State)
as its argument, where Code
is a list of machine instructions, Stack
is the current state of the stack, and State
is the storage for variables.
The run
function iteratively processes machine instructions until the code is empty. Using case (...) of
, it pattern matches on each instruction and performs the corresponding operation. It supports operations like arithmetic operations (Push
, Add
, Mult
, Sub
), boolean operations (Tru
, Fals
, Equ
, Le
, And
, Neg
), variable manipulation (Fetch
, Store
), control flow (Branch
, Loop
), and a no-operation (Noop
). The result of each operation updates the stack and state accordingly.
The function handles errors such as attempts to perform operations on an empty stack or unexpected operand types, raising run-time errors when necessary. The run
function returns the final state of the stack, allowing users to inspect the resulting values after executing a sequence of machine instructions.
Furthermore, we improved on the previous implementation of the calc
(from TP classes), so it handles most of the operations performed by the machine. The code for these functions is available in assembler.hs
These data structures form the foundation for representing arithmetic expressions, boolean expressions, and statements in a compiler. They are used as translation tools between the tokenized input string and the machine code.
The Aexp data type is used to model expressions that can contain variables, numeric constants, and the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
-- Data type for arithmetic expressions
data Aexp
= Var String -- Variable
| Num Integer -- Numeric constant
| AddA Aexp Aexp -- Addition
| SubA Aexp Aexp -- Subtraction
| MultA Aexp Aexp -- Multiplication
deriving Show
The Bexp data type is used to model expressions that can contain boolean values (TrueB and FalseB), boolean operations (like AndB for logical AND and NegB for negation), and comparison operations (like IntEqual for integer equality, BoolEqual for boolean equality, and LessEqual for less than or equal to comparison).
-- Data type for boolean expressions
data Bexp
= TrueB
| FalseB
| AndB Bexp Bexp -- And operation
| IntEqual Aexp Aexp -- Integer Equality comparison
| BoolEqual Bexp Bexp -- Boolean Equality comparison
| LessEqual Aexp Aexp -- Less than or equal comparison
| NegB Bexp -- Negation
deriving Show
The Stm data type is used to model statements that can be an assignment (where a variable is assigned the result of an arithmetic expression), an if-then-else control flow (where based on a boolean expression, one of two lists of statements is executed), or a while loop (where a list of statements is repeatedly executed as long as a boolean expression evaluates to true).
-- Data type for statements
data Stm
= Assign String Aexp -- var := Aexp
| If Bexp [Stm] [Stm] -- if Bexp then Stm1 else Stm2
| While Bexp [Stm] -- while Bexp do Stm
| NoopStm -- No operation
| Aexp Aexp -- Arithmetic expression
| Bexp Bexp -- Boolean expression
deriving Show
The Program type is a list of such statements, representing a sequence of operations or commands in a program.
type Program = [Stm]
The main compiler function compile :: [Stm] -> Code
compiles a list of statements (Stm
) into machine code (Code
). It relies on pattern matching to handle the various types of statements, including assignments, if-then-else statements, while loops, and standalone arithmetic or boolean expressions. This function depends on the auxiliar functions compA :: Aexp -> Code
and compB :: Bexp -> Code
, that with similar behaviour, are responsible for arithmetic and boolean expressions respectively.
compile :: Program -> Code
compile [] = []
compile (stm:rest) = case stm of
Assign var aexp -> compA aexp ++ [Store var] ++ compile rest
If bexp aexp1 aexp2 -> compB bexp ++ [Branch (compile aexp1) (compile aexp2)] ++ compile rest
While bexp aexp -> Loop (compB bexp) (compile aexp) : compile rest
In the code above the function deconstructs a matching statement into the appropriate stack ordered machine code. Furthermore, it recursively calls on itself when a statement is comprised of other statements, and calls the boolean and arithmetic compiler when needed.
The parsing is done through a series of functions that build the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the program.
The lexer :: String -> [String]
function is an auxiliary component for parsing, it processes a given string and breaks it into a list of tokens (strings).
lexer :: String -> [String]
lexer [] = []
lexer str
| "<=" `isPrefixOf` str = "<=" : lexer (drop 2 str)
| "==" `isPrefixOf` str = "==" : lexer (drop 2 str)
| ":=" `isPrefixOf` str = ":=" : lexer (drop 2 str)
| otherwise = case head str of
' ' -> lexer (tail str) -- ignore spaces
'(' -> "(" : lexer (tail str)
')' -> ")" : lexer (tail str)
';' -> ";" : lexer (tail str)
'=' -> "=" : lexer (tail str)
'+' -> "+" : lexer (tail str)
'-' -> "-" : lexer (tail str)
'*' -> "*" : lexer (tail str)
':' -> ":" : "=" : lexer (tail str)
_ -> (head str : takeWhile condition (tail str)) : lexer (dropWhile condition (tail str))
condition x = x `notElem` " ()=;=+-*<:"
The buildData function takes a list of tokens and constructs a list of statements ([Stm]
). It uses the findFirstNotNested
function to find the first semicolon (;
) that is not nested within parentheses.
It then splits the list into two parts before and after the semicolon, after this it calls the buildStm
function on the initial statement and recursively calls itself on the rest of the tokens.
The buildStm function takes a list of tokens representing a statement and constructs the corresponding statement (Stm
). Depending on the first token, it calls different procedures (buildIfStm
, buildWhileStm
, buildAssignStm
) to construct the specific type of statement.
buildStm :: [String] -> Stm
buildStm list
| head list == "if" = buildIfStm list
| head list == "while" = buildWhileStm list
| otherwise = buildAssignStm list
buildIfStm list
| head (tail elseStatements) == "(" = If (buildBexp (tail bexp)) (buildData thenStatements) (buildData (tail elseStatements))
| otherwise = If (buildBexp (tail bexp)) (buildData thenStatements) [buildStm (tail elseStatements)]
(bexp, rest) = break (== "then") list
(thenStatements, elseStatements) = break (== "else") (tail rest)
buildWhileStm list
| head (tail doStatements) == "(" = While (buildBexp (tail bexp)) (buildData (tail doStatements))
| otherwise = While (buildBexp (tail bexp)) [buildStm (tail doStatements)]
(bexp, doStatements) = break (== "do") list
buildAssignStm list = Assign (head var) (buildAexp (tail aexp))
(var, aexp) = break (== ":=") list
Taking advantage of the nested where
cases, we can differentiate the functionality of the function accordingly to the first character of the token list ([String]
). Then, using the prelude function break
, it divides the token list accordingly (in 3 or 2 parts) and further builds the statement (Stm
) using other build functions.
These functions take a list of tokens and construct arithmetic expressions (Aexp
) and boolean expressions (Bexp
), respectively.
They use the findFirstNotNested
function to find the last operator that is not nested within parentheses. Based on the operator found, they construct the corresponding expression. If no operator is found, it assumes the expression is wrapped in parentheses and calls itself recursively on the expression without the parentheses.
An essential function to the functionality of the above functions is the findFirstNotNested :: [String] -> [String] -> Maybe Int
which is designed to find the index of the first token in a list of tokens that is not nested within parentheses or other specific constructs.
findFirstNotNested :: [String] -> [String] -> Maybe Int
findFirstNotNested targets = find 0 0
find _ _ [] = Nothing
find depth index (x:rest)
| x == "(" || x == "then" = find (depth + 1) (index + 1) rest
| x == ")" || (x == "else" && depth /= 0) = find (depth - 1) (index + 1) rest
| depth == 0 && x `elem` targets = Just index
| otherwise = find depth (index + 1) rest
The function makes use of a depth
variable that acts as a counter to keep track of the level of nesting of the current traversal of input token, whose value is increased when an opening parenthesis ((
) or a then
statement is encountered and decreased when a closing parentheses ()
) or a else
With this approach, when the depth is equal to 0 and the current token being analyzed is the same as the target one, the index of this token is returned.
The parse :: String -> [Stm]
function takes a string representing the program code and returns the parsed program, which is a list of statements ([Stm]
parse :: String -> Program
parse = buildData . lexer
It achieves this by first using the lexer
function to tokenize the input string and then using the buildData
function to build the AST of the program.
In conclusion, this project provided a valuable opportunity to delve deeper into Haskell programming and its application in building an assembler, compiler and parser. The process of tokenizing an input string and building an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from it was both challenging and rewarding, and it offered practical insights into how programming languages are processed.
The project deadlines were reasonable, allowing for a thorough exploration of the problem space without undue pressure. The project guide initially seemed unclear, however, we successfully navigated through this complexity.
The group worked effectively together, successfully implementing the proposed features and producing well-documented and organized code. This project not only enhanced our Haskell programming skills but also deepened our understanding of the language's unique features and quirks.
Moving forward, we are excited to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this project to future challenges in programming language processing and other areas of software development.
- GitHub Copilot
- https://www.haskell.org