This add-on is useful if strong password policies are needed, e.g. in CERT or financial environments.
Feature List
- Enforce a password renewal after x (configurable) days.
- Password history to prevent reusing a password after x (configurable) times.
- Disable account after x invalid login attempts.
- Minimum length of password.
- At least two lower- and two uppercase letters.
- At least two letters.
- At least one digit in a password.
- Znuny 7.1
Use the online repository Znuny Open Source Add-ons from the package manager to install the add-on. From the command line use this command: bin/ Admin::Package::Install
Via system configuration options PreferencesGroups###Password
and CustomerPreferencesGroups###Password
- PasswordMaxValidTimeInDays (max. valid days of a password)
- PasswordNeedDigit (at least one digit is required)
- PasswordMaxLoginFailed (max. count of invalid login attempts)
- PasswordMin2Characters (at least two characters are required)
- PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters (at least two upper- and two lowercase characters are required)
- PasswordMinSize (min. length of a password)
- PasswordRegExp (regular expression to enhance the password policy)
- PasswordHistory (already used passwords can not be used again)
Commercial Support
For this add-on and for Znuny in general visit Looking forward to hear from you.
Your Znuny Team!