UniPark booking system for CITS3200 project.
Package | Site | Guide |
mysql | https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/ | https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-installation-excerpt/5.7/en/ |
node | https://nodejs.org/en/download/ | https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-node-js-npm-on-windows |
python | https://www.python.org/downloads/ | https://realpython.com/installing-python/ |
pip | https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/ | https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-pip-windows |
yarn | after installing node run npm install --global yarn |
https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/#windows-stable |
- Python
- ESLint
- Django
- Prettier
Copy .env.example
to .env. Set MYSQL_HOST="mysql" if planning to use Docker.
cp .env.example .env
Install Python requirements (on Windows you might need to be administrator running this)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run migration at least once on initial setup and every pull of a new change (db needs to be alive)
python manage.py migrate
For Docker
docker-compose run django python manage.py migrate
Install Node dependencies
Bundle webpack files at least once on initial setup and every pull of a new change
yarn build
docker-compose build
If this is first time running, run the mysql container first so it can setup on its own. Once its setup, run both containers.
docker-compose up mysql
To start
docker-compose up
In short you'll need to run 2-3 services/applications concurrently.
- Django
- MySql
- Webpack (if working with react)
Install and run a mysql server through your preferred application. Make sure to create a database called 'db', else you'll need to change the environment variable MYSQL_DATABASE
in .env
. The credentials of your database server should match environment variables in .env
. These will be passed to Django settings.py
so it can connect. Good applications to view database and tables is TablePlus
for Windows and SequelPro
for Mac.
python manage.py runserver
Single compilation
yarn build
Watching for changes in frontend/entrypoints
with typescript extension .tsx
yarn dev
pycodestyle app/
autopep8 --in-place --recursive .
For django we use sqlite3 for testing database.
python manage.py test
yarn test
yarn test -u
For developers using React, you'll need to run webpack concurrently to all other containers/services. This will transpile, polyfill and bundle up your Typescript React code to Javascript to be imported via CDN. Running yarn dev
will watch for changes then bundle and yarn build
will bundle on every change. We use frontend/entrypoints
as entry points for html to render react using react-dom
. These files don't need to be tested.
E.g., you've made a new file for a Card component and entry point Card.tsx, webpack will bundle this to card.bundle.js
in app/resource/static/dist
. Which then can be imported in django html template:
<div id="react-app"></div>
<script src="{% static '/dist/card.bundle.js' %}"></script>
Bundles are not to be committed.
Django uses an ORM system within its models. This mean model objects are synced with database tables. After creating a model and you now want to insert object schema into the database (note app that contains the model should be linked in settings.py
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/db/models/#using-models), run:
python manage.py makemigrations
Then to migrate run:
python manage.py migrate
If using Docker, make migrations and migrate from within containers
docker-compose run django python manage.py makemigrations
docker-compose run django python manage.py migrate
docker-compose run django python manage.py createsuperuser --username admin --email test@test.com --phone 1234
or without Docker
manage.py createsuperuser --username admin --email test@test.com --phone 1234
Then create a password, usually just password
Then login when redirected with admin
and password
Sometimes migrations might screw up, so you have to dump your db and start again.
docker-compose rm -v mysql
Initialize mysql again
docker-compose up mysql
Apply migrations
docker-compose run django python manage.py migrate
You'll have to recreate super user again.
Find a way to delete all tables in mysql db, then run
python manage.py migrate
You'll have to recreate super user again.
├── app/
| ├── __init__.py
| ├── core/
│ | ├── __init__.py
│ | ├── settings.py
│ | ├── urls.py
│ | └── wsgi.py
| ├── resources/
| | ├── static/
| | | ├── dist/
| | | ├── images/
| | | ├── scripts/
| | | └── styles/
| | └── templates/
| ├── <internal_app>/
| | ├── __init__.py
| | ├── migrations/
| | ├── tests/
| | ├── models.py
| | ├── serializers.py
| | └── views.py
| └── <another_internal_app>/
| └── ...
├── docker/
| └── django.dev.Dockerfile
| └── node.dev.Dockerfile
├── frontend/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── entrypoints/
│ ├── tests/
| └── typings/
├── .env.example
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc.json
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── jest.config.js
├── manage.py
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.cfg
├── tsconfig.json
├── webpack.config.js
└── yarn.lock
Sample workflow to follow for organisation purposes. Please collaborate on tasks that might have conflicting commits by either avoiding or fixing the conflicts.
- feature -> feature/{task}
- bugfix -> bugfix/{task}
- New task (Add login page to front-end) requires new feature branch
- Create a new branch off of main (e.g. feature/login-front-end)
- Complete task
- Create pull request to main
- Review by other contributors and pass tests
- Merge to main 🎉 🎉 🎉
Name | Student Number |
Arun Muthu | 22704805 |
Dylan Kennedy | 22736996 |
Jayden Teo | 22713211 |
Joel Fitzpatrick | 22736996 |
Joel Miligan | 22701252 |
Pin-Hsuan Tseng | 22941085 |