This code is for "Graph Neural News Recommendation with User Existing and Potential Interest Modeling".
- src: the source code
- conf: the configure files
- data: the dataset folder
Since the dataset is very large scale and has been publiced by the MIND, you need to download it from the MIND website. After downloading, you will get three zip files, and
Then, uncompress them and put their subfiles to the corresponding subfolders of data. For example, the files in should be put at the "data/L/train"
Afer that, the complete package structure is:
|-- src
|-- conf
`-- data
|-- L
|-- train
|-- behaviors.tsv
|-- news.tsv
|-- dev
|-- behaviors.tsv
|-- news.tsv
|-- test
|-- behaviors.tsv
|-- news.tsv
|-- result
`-- hop1_cocur_bip_hist50
We first need to create a python=3.6 virtualenv and activate it.
Then, we should intall some dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, we should set the system environment $MINDWD as the current path. For example,
export MINDWD=/home/root/KG-Recommender
Replace /home/root
as the real parent directory path of KG-Recommender
Please read the src/ to get more details about the source code and the usages.
If you use this code, please cite the paper.
title={Graph Neural News Recommendation with User Existing and Potential Interest Modeling},
author={Zhaopeng Qiu and Yunfan Hu and Xian Wu},
journal={ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)},