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Short movie streaming platform for College students. Allows verified college students to upload short movies that can be watched by all authenticated users on the platform


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COREELS Project Documentation {intro}

A short movie streaming platform developed by Team 118 of Zuri/I4G Training Participants Movies are uploaded only by Verified College students but can be streamed by anyone from anywhere around the world as long as they're signed into their COREELS account.

Installation {installation}

The project is built and deployed with Django and below are instructions on how to set it up and run it locally on your system.

  1. Clone a Copy of the Project. Clone a copy of the project from GitHub or extract the zipped archive into a directory on your computer where you can easily access it.

  2. Download and Install Python 3

    • Go to Python and install it on your computer.
    • Open your terminal and type python --version. If you see output similar to Python 3.10.4 then you have successfully installed python.
  3. Create a Virtual Environment

    • Open a terminal and cd into the folder/directory where you cloned your copy of the COREELS project into.
    • Run python -m venv venv to create a virtual environment for your project.
    • Once your virtual environment has been created, run venv/scripts/activate (Windows users) OR source venv/bin/activate (Linux/Unix-like users).
    • If everything goes well, your terminal prompt will be prepended with venv.
  4. Install Required Packages Now that python and virtual environemnt is set up;

    • Run where.exe python (Windows users) OR (Linux/Unix-like users) on your terminal. If everything works well so far, you should see output similar to below output on your terminal.


      Where each of the output line is a path to executabe python file.

    • Now install required python packages by running: pip install -r requirements.txt.

    • This command will install all the required packages that have been listed in our requirements.txt file.

How To Use {how-to}

Follow below steps to run the project and test how it works.

  1. Ensure you're in same location as the file and that your virtual environemnt is still activated.
  2. Type python migrate.
  3. If everything works as it should, django will use migrations file in the project apps and create a new (sqlite3) database in the same location as file.
  4. Create a superuser account by running: python createsuperuser command on the terminal. Provide desired username, email address, password and password confirmation as being prompted.
  5. Next, run python runserver. This will start a development server on localhost on port 8000 which can be accessed via:

That is all. You can now visit above address to see the content of the website and start playing around with the functionalities.

Developers {developers}

This project was built, developed and deployed by Team 118 of Zuri/I4G training participants. The project idea was from Zuri.

License {license}

The code is MIT licensed. To understand your rights, privileges and limitations better, please refer to the LICENSE.

Thanks & Credits {credits}

We sincerely appreciate the organizers of this training (I4G/Zuri) and their partners for giving us the opportunity to participate and learn from the best teams, tutors and mentors all for free.


Short movie streaming platform for College students. Allows verified college students to upload short movies that can be watched by all authenticated users on the platform








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