Python based REST service which converts SQL queries into ES format. The is a tornado Web service which converts SQL like queries into a corresponding ElasticSearch Format. It returns a dictionary of status and result.
##Dependent libs to be installed to set it up on a server
These steps are for deploying it with Python 2.7. The compatible version of pyparsing lib (the parser for SQL like queries) need pyparsing-1.5.5. The steps:
easy_install rawes
easy_install cmd2
easy_install pip
pip install simplejson
pip install tornado
##Sample Run
/usr/bin/python2.7 -port=9288
curl -d '{"query" : "SELECT * FROM dchung_crawler_demo WHERE content.growthAccelerationCashCost=10 OR content.levelUnlock BETWEEN 0 AND 20"}'
"status": "OK",
"result": "{'query': {'query_string': {'query': 'content.growthAccelerationCashCost:10 OR content.levelUnlock:[0 TO 20]', 'default_operator': 'AND'}}}"
curl -d '{"query" : "SELECT * FROM dchung_crawler_demo WHERE content.growthAccelerationCashCost=10 AND content.levelUnlock BETWEEN 0 AND 20"}'
"status": "OK",
"result": "{'query': {'query_string': {'query': 'content.growthAccelerationCashCost:10 AND content.levelUnlock:[0 TO 20]', 'default_operator': 'AND'}}}"
curl -d '{"query" : "SELECT * FROM dchung_crawler_demo WHERE content.growthAccelerationCashCost=10 AND content.llUnlock > 0"}'
"status": "OK",
"result": "{'query': {'query_string': {'query': 'content.growthAccelerationCashCost:10 AND content.levelUnlock:{0 TO *}', 'default_operator': 'AND'}}}"
curl -d '{"query" : "SELECT * FROM dchung_crawler_demo WHERE NOT content.itemCap=5 AND content.growthAccelerationshCost=3 AND content.levelUnlock BETWEEN 0 AND 200"}'
"status": "OK",
"result": "{'query': {'query_string': {'query': 'NOT content.itemCap:5 AND content.growthAccelerationCashCost:3 AND content.levelUnlock:[0 TO 200]', 'default_operator': 'AND'}}}"
//Invalid SQL Syntax - an orphan 'AND' at the end of query
curl -d '{"query" : "SELECT * FROM dchung_crawler_demo WHERE NOT content.itemCap=5 AND content.growthAccelerationCashCost=3 AND content.levelUnlock BETWEEN 0 AND 200 AND"}'
"status": "FAILED",
"reason": "Invalid Syntax (at char 148), (line:1, col:149)"}
//Invalid JSON passed - Missing '"' after 200
curl -d '{"query" : "SELECT * FROM dchung_crawler_demo WHERE NOT content.itemCap=5 AND content.growthAccelerationCashCost=3 AND content.levelUnlock BETWEEN 0 AND 200}'
"status": "FAILED",
"reason": "Decoding input JSON has failed"
//Will be adding more