Rscript concordance.R impute.gen impute.sample plink.raw rs17599629
Scatter plot PNG file - rs17599629.png
Scatter plot data file - rs17599629_PlotFile.txt
head rs17599629_PlotFile.txt
IID Imputed Typed
Sample2501 0 0
Sample2536 0.001 0
Sample2537 0 0
Sample2538 0.997 1
Sample2539 0 0
Sample2540 0.684 1
Sample2541 0.997 1
Sample2542 0.992 1
Sample2543 1.093 1
Correlation summary for rs17599629:
- MatchingSamples - typed and imputed samples overlap.
- MatchingSamplesExclNoCall - typed and imputed samples overlap, excluding NoCalls.
- Concordance - correlation between imputed and typed SNP.
SNP MatchingSamples MatchingSamplesExclNoCall Concordance
1 rs17599629 1267 911 0.9223097