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Fine-tuning LLM for Various E-commerce Tasks

In this repo we will fine-tune llama2-7B on four different e-commerce tasks using LoRA. The tasks are following:

  • Product Classification
  • Product title NER
  • Description generation based on product title
  • Products review summarization

We have different baselines for each task: BERT for classification, BERT for NER, GPT2/BART/T5 for description generation, BART/T5 for summarization.

The questions we want to explore:

  • How many training samples do we need to achieve SOTA results with fine-tuning llama2-7B for each task?
  • Is LLM a good choice for e-commerce tasks compared to traditional baseline models?
  • Fine-tuning LLM on a mixed training dataset for all tasks, or fine-tuning LLM for single task one by one, which one has better performance?
  • Can we get performance gain if we merge LoRA weights with different task? Is LoRA merging a good way to explore?
  • What are correlations between LoRA weights for every two tasks, and the correlations between every two tasks?