Try to learn computer architecture by lab
Implement a simplified x86 simulator.
- Virtualbox (Debian netinst CD image with i386 architecture.)
- Debian:
- make
- lreadline
- gcc
- ld
- more detail
Aug 12 2015 update:
breakpoints: set, delete
single step through a binary executable file
expression evaluation
print in debugging
the adt itself not must to be synchronized, the user choose whether to synchronize.
can add NOINTR to make sure user add synchronization if necessary
put the original global variable to parameter can better re-use some data structure.(ListHead)
using macro when need different type(Tree<>)
using special name convention when implement data structure, e.g.
design an error return system between 'client' and 'server'(in os is 'os user' and 'os kernel')
: not a simpleFAIL
butno such directory or file
,Segmentation fault
: a int indicate state, and a string indicate error message.
if fail to allocate some resources when allocating a serial of resources,
remember to free already allocated resources.