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Adam edited this page Jan 14, 2013 · 5 revisions

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Software Installation

For archival purposes the install instructions for the NetFPGA Package 1.0 can be found at Install_Software_1.0. Use the instructions below to install the newest version of the NetFPGA package.

Log in as root

  • Log in as root or 'su -' to root

Install Java

  • If running the command:
  java -version

reports at least version 1.6.*, then proceed to the next major step to Install NetFPGA Base Package (below).

Otherwise, download Java 1.6 from:

Installation instructions are available on-line:

  • Download the Java JDK (JDK 6 Update 6) Linux RPM in self-extracting file from SUN

    Java JDK 6 update 6
  • Add execute permission to JDK file
  chmod +x jdk-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin
  • Install JDK. Scroll down and say 'yes' when prompted.
  • Install the key for the JPackage repository
  rpm --import
  • Install the JPackage repository information for yum
  cd /etc/yum.repos.d
  • Install the Java JRE
 yum -y --enablerepo=jpackage-generic-nonfree install java-1.6.0-sun-compat.i586
  • Expected Output
   Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size
   java-1.6.0-sun-compat   i586    jpackage-generic-nonfree
  54 k
  Transaction Summary
  Install      1 Package(s)
  Update       0 Package(s)
  Remove       0 Package(s)
  Total download size: 54 k
  Is this ok [y/N]: y
  Downloading Packages:
  (1/1): java-1.6.0-sun-com 100% ||=========================||  54 kB    00:00

  Running Transaction Test
  Finished Transaction Test
  Running Transaction 
    Installing : java-1.6.0-sun-compat        ######################### [1/1]
  Installed: java-1.6.0-sun-compat.i586 0:
  • Set default JAVA path to new JRE
  /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java

Expected Output

    Selection    Command
     1           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.4.2-gcj/bin/java
  *+ 2           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-sun/bin/java
  Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number:

Select number corresponding to jre-1.6.0-sun

Install RPMforge Yum repository

  • Install the RPMforge repository for your operating system.
For CentOS 4:
CentOS 4 wiki documentation on installing RPMforge

For CentOS 5:
CentOS 5 wiki documentation on installing RPMforge

Install NetFPGA Base Package

  • Install NetFPGA yum repository and GPG Key - there are two different versions for CentOS 4 and 5. To determine your version, run the command:
  cat /etc/redhat-release

For CentOS 4:

 rpm -Uhv

For CentOS 5:

 rpm -Uhv
  • Next, for both versions, run the following command to install the NetFPGA base package
 yum install netfpga-base
  • Note that there may be some dependencies. Select 'y' to install these dependent packages.

Create NF2 directory in your user account

Run the following script to copy the entire NF2 directory into your account (typically: /root/NF2). WARNING: Running this command WILL overwrite any existing NF2 directory or files in your user account! If you have files that you want to preserve, 'mv' your NF2 directory to another location, such as NF2_backup.

To copy the NetFPGA directory and set the environment variables run the following command


It also adds the following environment variables to your .bashrc file.

  • NF2_ROOT

Reboot your machine

Reboot your machine in order to finalize the installation.

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