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kubark42 edited this page Dec 9, 2012 · 10 revisions

So you'd like to contribute? Wonderful! Opensource projects like these are driven by volunteers, so the more, the merrier.

The first thing you will want to do is create a git account for working on the code.

Next, set up a development environment:

Lastly, you'll want some problem/feature/enhancement to work on. If you have your own idea that you want to explore, great! But if you'd like to look a list of issues that are already opened, we have helpfully labeled tasks that we think are good for getting familiar with the code. Just look for the "New dev" tag:

Once that's done, the last step is submitting a pull request. This is as easy as clicking a button. Once your pull request is started, the server will automatically start to compile the new code, making sure that it works for all targets. If everything is okay, then Jenkins will report that the build succeeded. If not, then Jenkins will produce an error report, found here: This error report will provide insight into why the build failed and on what target.

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