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User Guide: OPLink Mini

Carsten Boehme edited this page Mar 13, 2014 · 7 revisions

This is the procedure for using OpenPilot OPLink Mini modems and/or Revo's internal modem with TauLabs.

  • Connect an antenna. Do not operate an active modem without its antenna.

  • In GCS, go to the firmware tab, hit Rescue, connect the OPLM or Revo

  • Hit 'Open'
    for OPLM: navigate to /flight/pipextreme, select fw_pipxtreme.tlfw
    for Revo: navigate to /flight/revomini, select fw_revomini.tlfw

  • Check that the 'Loaded' box lists the firmware you want, then hit 'Flash'

  • Wait while GCS says 'Uploading firmware'

  • When uploading has finished, hit 'Boot'

  • Go to the object browser and navigate to settings/OPLinkSettings, and set
    Coordinator = True (for the modem that will be connected to GCS)
    Coordinator = False (for the modem that will be connected to the flight controller)
    UAVTalk = True (not sure if this is necessary)
    MaxRFPower = xxx (power setting according to the laws of your country, < 10 mW for Europe)

For OPLinks, a new tab will appear in the main configuration view. These settings can also be done there.

could someone please integrate the images from the link below?


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