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ShawnieBoy edited this page Apr 10, 2015 · 1 revision

Magarena is a GPLv3 Open Source project. To start contributing, create a server side clone and push your changes there. Then send a pull request or post on when your changes are ready to be merged to the main repo.

If you don't have a specific plan in mind, try adding new cards. We find that it helps developers learn about the internals of the program.

The wiki pages under this topic walks you through using Eclipse to setup your development environment. It was written assuming you work on the main repository

User Interface

The user interface is written in Swing and has a number of custom made widgets. It supports scaling with custom layout management. It has no support for multiple language. There is basic skinning with textures and support for themes. Mouse over is used to show more detailed card images or the messages log. There is a switchable graphical and textual overview of the game. During playing it shows at all times the available options to the player. It was designed to allow quick gameplay so there are no animations. Keyboard shortcuts are available for action and undo.

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