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lodici edited this page Dec 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

This dialog is used to keep your image collection up-to-date. It can be opened via the Main Menu -> Settings menu or by clicking on the Download missing card images alert button (if displayed on the main menu screen).

When you open the dialog there will a short delay while Magarena scans for the number of missing images for both playable and unimplemented cards. If there are missing images then the appropriate download button will be enabled.

It can take a while to download a large number of images so you can run the download in the background by clicking on the Run in background button which will hide the dialog while you continue to explore Magarena. You can also cancel the download at any time and continue at a later date if required.

Should an image download fail then it will be logged and displayed in the dialog. Normally re-running the download should resolve any time-out issues.

Using your own custom images

By default card images are stored in the <installation>/Magarena/images folder but you can change this location using Images folder setting. Within the images folder Magarena creates the cards and tokens sub-folders and it is to these two directories that images are saved.

You can also manually create a custom sub-folder if you have images which you would prefer to use instead of the default as chosen by Magarena. Simply copy any images into the custom folder and Magarena will use these instead.

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