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List of Groovy Triggers

ShawnieBoy edited this page Oct 5, 2014 · 4 revisions

Triggers with branches are referred to by those further down the branch.

For example:

MagicDethroneTrigger refers to MagicWhenSelfAttacksTrigger, which refers to the MagicWhenAttacksTrigger.

Using a trigger closer to the top of the branch gives more control over the effects. In fact in the above example, MagicDethroneTrigger and MagicWhenSelfAttacksTrigger could both be replaced with the MagicWhenAttacksTrigger, using conditions to match either circumstance.

Many of the branched Triggers exist for the Natural Language Scripting, and would not normally be needed in a Groovy file, and may mean the card can be scripted instead. Use the Trigger that most closely reflects the trigger needed by the card.

Triggers will activate for each instance occurring during a game, regardless of whose turn it is:

  • Phase and Step triggers will also activate during an opponents turn.
  • MagicWhenAttacksTrigger will activate for each creature that attacks.

'Self' always refers to the permanent the trigger is on, and 'Other' is every permanent except the permanent the trigger is on.

List of Triggers

Phase and Step triggers

Replacement Triggers

Regular Triggers

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