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pkgdown 2.0.2

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@hadley hadley released this 18 Jan 17:25
  • New Korean (ko) translation thanks to @mrchypark and @peremen (#1994).
    New Danish (dk) translation thanks to @LDalby.

  • build_articles() now adjusts the heading levels of vignettes/articles that
    use <h1> as section headings to ensure that there's one top-level heading
    (#2004). This ensures that there's one <h1>, the title, on each page,
    and makes the TOC in the sidebar work correctly.

  • build_home_index() no longer spuriously complains about missing images
    if you use plots in your README.Rmd (#1980, #1977). It no longer
    tweaks the src path for <img> tags with absolute paths (#1955).

  • build_news() once again works if uses <h1> headings (#1947).

  • build_reference() now correctly interprets title: internal: it removes
    the section from the reference index and it doesn't list the topics in that
    section as missing (#1958).

  • build_reference() now gives a correct hint when the reference index YAML
    is not formatted correctly (e.g. empty item, or item such as "n" that needs
    to be escaped with quotes to not be interpreted as Boolean) (#1995).

  • deploy_to_branch() gains a subdir argument, allowing you to deploy the
    site to a subdirectory (@gadenbuie, #2001).

  • Front end changes:

    • The navbar gets a little more space after the version number, and aligns
      the baseline with rest of the navbar (#1989).

    • Long lines in code output once again scroll, rather than being wrapped.
      While this is different to what you'll see in the console, it's a better
      fit for web pages where the available code width varies based on the
      browser width (#1940).

    • scrollspy (which highlights the "active" heading in the sidebar) now
      computes the offset dynamically which makes it work better on sites with
      taller navbars (#1993).

    • Fixed js issues that occurred on pages without a table of contents
      (@gadenbuie, #1998).

    • When htmlwidgets with jQuery or Bootstrap dependencies are used in examples or
      articles, pkgdown's versions of jQuery and Boostrap will take precedence over
      the versions used by the htmlwidget (@gadenbuie, #1997).

  • pkgdown no longer includes bundled author metadata for Hadley Wickham,
    RStudio, or the RConsortium, since there are now ways to include this
    meta data in template packages, and special casing these three entities
    feels increasingly weird (#1952).