Provide a collection of unique prototyping tools for neovim. These tools should be extremely configurable and modular in nature.
- The foundational feature for lab.nvim is a code runner with real-time, inline feedback. (Inspired by runjs, quokka and others.)
- The code runner currently supports JavaScript, Typescript, Python, and Lua with additional language support planned.
- The goal of the code runner isn't to be a full-fledged debugger, rather it aims to provide a simple rapid feedback mechanism that can be useful while working on prototyping tasks.
Command | Action |
Lab code run |
Run or resume the code runner on the current file. |
Lab code stop |
Stop the code runner on the current file. |
Lab code panel |
Show the code runner info buffer. |
Lab code config |
Show the code runner config for the current file. |
Note: that the run command is also automatically invoked each time you save changes to a file that is currently active.
Language | Supported |
JS / TS | console, debugger, error |
Python | print, breakpoint, error |
Lua | print, error |
- The quick data feature allows you to quickly insert fake data while prototyping.
- The implementation works by providing a dynamic snippet source to nvim-cmp.
- This feature currently supports fakerjs as a pre-configured data source.
- Add the source to your nvim-cmp setup:
sources = cmp.config.sources({
{ name = 'lab.quick_data', keyword_length = 4 }
- This feature is enabled by default but can be disabled:
require('lab').setup {
quick_data = {
enabled = false,
- neovim >= 0.7.2
- plenary.nvim
- node >= 16.10.0
- Python 3 (Python code runner)
- Lua 5.4 (Lua code runner)
- nvim-cmp (Quick data snippets)
Important: Notice the post install hook. Lab.nvim has a few internal node dependencies that should be installed. See: package.json
return require('packer').startup(function(use)
use { '0x100101/lab.nvim', run = 'cd js && npm ci', requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' } }
Vim Plug
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug '0x100101/lab.nvim', { 'do': 'cd js && npm ci' }
Setup options (defualts illustrated below)
require('lab').setup {
code_runner = {
enabled = true,
quick_data = {
enabled = true,
Key Mappings
nnoremap <F4> :Lab code stop<CR>
nnoremap <F5> :Lab code run<CR>
nnoremap <F6> :Lab code panel<CR>
- Refactor the JavaScript code runner:
- The code runner is more-or-less ad hoc / proof of concept, and should be re-factored in to 2 or 3 independent systems. Once this is complete the code will be more maintainable and tests can be added.
- Split out the server from the plugin and break out the server features in to modular, attachable components:
- Version 1.0 should not be bundled with the node back-end, instead the user should install the back-end and additional components independently, as needed. (similar to language servers).
- Expand the configuration options to provide for more fine grained control over how everything works.
- Add a check health system.
- Investigate what options are available for adding tests to the front-end (neovim plugin)
- Improve documentation:
- Add additional documentation regarding esbuild and the interesting features it exposes.