My dotfiles may NOT work on all distros.
A few notable things are:
Some things that are required to be installed for my dotfiles to work:
- bash shell ( of course )
- zsh
- awesome WM
- neovim
- pfetch/neofetch (if neofetch, adjust bash config accordingly)
First, clone the repo. Run:
git clone
Second, go to the wallpapers. Run:
cd wallpapers/2020
Lastly, move the wallpapers to the correct directory. Run:
mkdir --parents ~/Media/Wallpapers && mv *.jpg ~/Media/Wallpapers
The wallpapers should be all set up!
To randomize it, replace nitrogen --restore
with nitrogen --random ~/Media/Wallpapers/
Otherwise, run nitrogen
and select a background.
You can also just run my (arch based distros only, debian support coming soon) dotfiles deployment script here
The wallpapers are taken from Makccr's Wallpapers repo. I use them, since it is a really great collection of wallpapers to use.