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The need

We dont see platforms ensuring transparency in case of charity/donations. Also there are security aspects involved. Biggest problem being the transparency of the donation. That is what we have tried to solve using this project.


To get Charity Blockchain up and running on your local machine, run the following in a terminal:

    $ git clone // Clone repo

Install dependencies manually:

    $ cd project
    $ npm install // Install all dependencies
    $ cd ..
    $ npm install

Compile and deploy contracts to your local test net (Ganache):

    $ truffle compile
    $ truffle migrate

How it works

  • Create/login into your metamask wallet
  • A ganache RPC Server is run with metamask as the wallet, using the node.js interface.
  • A hash value is generated from charity and organisation details
  • transaction hash is generated for each transaction between organisation and charity, when a transaction is carried out
  • when the user mines all the transactions updates, a block is generated