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Monitors nearby devices - Sends a notification (ex: switch off when all your smartphones are "Flight" mode)

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📡 WiCheck

Scan device around, then notify a server and/or flag a pin.

First start

At the first start, join the free "HelloWorld" WiFi. The config portal is on https://{ip}/portal or https://wicheck.local/portal.

Setup your config.

Then click on "reboot" and let it works.




  • basicAuth: credentials for accessing to the portal page
  • SSID: name and password of the WiFi; when WiCheck can not join a known WiFi it turn itself as an Access Point
  • channel: selected channel when WiCheck is an Access Point
  • hidden: visibility of the Access Point mode
  • timeout: how many time in seconds a device can be hidden before WiCheck forgets it
  • auto reboot: reboot WiCheck until a known WiFi is joinned


NB: when a parameter is changed a save button appears. Click on it for saving... It the same behaviours for every config part.



List your friendly WiFi:

  • WiFi credentials where WiCheck will connect

When you add a WiFi, first click on + then on the save button.



List your friendly devices (even if there are not connected or not on a friendly WiFi):

  • id: keep it unique, there were a reference into the rules
  • name: any name for humans
  • MAC: stalked MAC address, must use the pattern aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa

When you add a Device, first click on + then on the save button.



List your rules, an event is fired as soon as a rule is detected (depending the direction):

  • name: any name for humans
  • pin: ESP8266 GPIO number, or set 255 if no pin action is required If you use a Wemos Mini D1, D0 is GPIO16, D1 is GPIO5, etc.
  • {key}: parameter replaced into Transport URI and Transport Payload (cf next section)
  • {value}: parameter replaced into Transport URI and Transport Payload (cf next section) (see Grammar)
  • direction: do the action if the new value is:
    • 'checked': more than the previous one onSwitchOn
    • 'indeterminate': not equals the previous one onToggle
    • 'unckecked': less than the previous one onSwitchOff

When you add a Rule, first click on + then on the save button.



Like a webhook, you can define a HTTP request that will be sent for each event defined by Rules.

  • method: HTTP method
  • uri: uri of the request, {key} and {value} are replaced by the value of the verified Rule
  • payload: sent content, {key} and {value} are replaced by the value of the verified Rule

Could be combined to a webrelay controller



The rules used the RPN (Reverse Polish Notation).

Tokens are:

  • {integer}
  • '@'{integer}: give the visibility of the Device linked by the same ID: 0="not detected", 1="detected"


OP name syntax type example value
+ addition a b + integer 1 2 + 3
- subtraction a b - integer 10 4 - 6
* multiplication a b * integer 5 2 * 10
/ division dividend divisor / integer 12 3 / 4
< less than left right < boolean 2 1 < 2 2 < 0 0
= equals a b = boolean 9 9 = 1
> more than left right > boolean 7 1 > 1
? if then else then else if ? integer 7 3 1 ? 8 4 0 ? 7 4
! not n ! boolean 0 ! 1


Switch on a light if any Device is detected:

  • value: @0 @1 + @2 + @3 +
  • direction: checked

Switch off a light if nobody is detected (or close the shutters):

  • value: @0 @1 * @2 * @3 *
  • direction: unchecked


Monitors nearby devices - Sends a notification (ex: switch off when all your smartphones are "Flight" mode)




