A terminal based Jira client that's made to be customized for an organisation. Fork away!
$ wtf todo
WTF todo?
Minor | EMB-60 | In Progress | Magical Jellybeans
Minor | EMB-20 | In Progress | Magical Jellybeans
$ wtf info EMB-60
* Magical Jellybeans
Link: https://jira.example.com/browse/EMB-60
Status: In Progress
Project: EMB
Creator: beweinreich
Reporter: beweinreich
Priority: Minor
$ wtf start EMB-30
$ wtf finish EMB-30
$ wtf open EMB-30
# (opens in web browser)
# Move a given task to another state.
move_task_to_state $2 "To Do"
move_task_to_state $2 "In Progress"
move_task_to_state $2 "QA"
Here are a few examples of tasks that are in the script as-is. The function move_task_to_state
moves a task to a given state given a task id and a state name. Since state names can change per
organisation, the script needs to be modified to work with other organisations unless you copy the
names that I've hard-coded. Feel free to add more cases to the switch to customize your own version
of the tool.
After cloning, symlink wtf.sh
to /usr/local/bin/wtf