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Standup Notes Week 1

mahadHK edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 20 revisions


Bobby - Yesterday I went through orientation and listened to a lecture on the Software Development Lifecycle. Today I'm going to learn about git and Java and also meet my Scrum team.

Zach - Yesterday I attended the Orientation for new employees. I missed the rest of the day due to technical difficulties. Today I am going to listen to the lectures about Java and Git. Afterwards, I am going to review the content of the training day yesterday.

Mahad - Yesterday I went through the orientation process for new employees where I was able to see all the different staff and fellow associates. Thereafter, Attended my first lecture with my Trainor, Tim, where we learned about the Software Development Lifecycle (SDL). Today I will be learning about Java and git, along with all of its implementations.


Bobby - Yesterday I learned about Git and GitHub and practiced with them both. I then met my Scrum team and worked to collectively update a document using git. I ended the day by learning about Java and programming languages in general. Today I'm going to continue to listen to the lectures and take notes.

Zach - I reviewed the lecture recording of the previous day (which I missed due to technical issues), I learned about Git, and met my Scrum team. After the lectures, I will learn more about Git so I don't feel quite as overwhelmed as before.

Ivo - Successfully activated email address, after that downloaded the Discord app due to troubles in browser. However, couldn't find the link to rejoining the page. Today will learn about Gradle.

Ian - I successfully set up my work environment and began experimenting with git hub. I was able to clone the online repository but I was unable to link to it and add, commit and push changes. I will experiment more, do some independent research and solve that issue. Further I will look through the learning objectives of the day and make sure that I internalize the concepts.

Mahad - Yesterday learned about git and some of the different functions associated with it such as pull, add, push, etc. Today I'm going to continue to learn about Java and work with git.


Ivo - After being overwhelmed by the project assignment, started with a rough general description of the class structure necessary for implementing the "Banking app". Also continued to examine how Git works.

Bobby - (Yesterday) Learned more about Java, getting into some of the nitty gritty about how constructors work. I also practiced more with Git, making my own test repository and playing around with it. Also started thinking about what I wanted to do for my first project, but didn't come to a conclusion on that yet. (Today) I'm going to finalize the topic for my project, probably won't start doing any actual code yet though. I'm also going to keep learning about Java and practicing with git.

Zach - Yesterday I attended the lectures about Java and reviewed the requirements of Project 0. After training, I created a Kanban board on Github to help keep me organized while I work on the project. Today I am going to continue attending the lectures and afterwards, I am going to start creating rudimentary code for Project 0.

Mahad - Yesterday I learned more about Java from the lecture and reviewed the documentation for project 0. Today I'm looking forward to learning more about Java and hopefully writing some code.

Ian - Yesterday I leaned how to build a class and how to instantiate that class using constructors. Today I am going to think more on these topics and internalize them.


Ivo - Yesterday I learned more about object inheritance, access modifiers, strings in java, as well as 'throwables'. I also cloned 'project0' on my computer and continued with planning on the object schema for it. Today I'll attend the lectures and after that and during the weekend I'll continue working on "project0".

Bobby - (Yesterday) I got into some of the more specific things in Java, taking a look at control flow, strings and then throwables, etc. Also attended another group's final presentation which was interesting. (Today) I'm going to continue learning and taking notes and also make sure to enter in my timecard for the week.

Zach - Yesterday I learned more about Java. A lot of it was review but I did learn a lot of new information about how Java manages memory, about Errors and Exceptions, and about the StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes. After work, I drew on what I already knew about the JDBC (which admittedly is somewhat limited) and started designing the database for Project0. Today I'm going to listen to the lecture and try to finish designing the database.

Ian - Yesterday I about encapsulation, using access modifiers. I learned about The Stack, The Heap, and the String Pool. I learned about errors and exceptions. I learned about the String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes. Today I am going to start building an Anki flashcard deck so I can memorize all of the new terms that I am learning. Also I am going to draft the outline of project 0.

Mahad - Yesterday I took a deeper dive into Java and learned about exceptions, strings, inheritance and memory management in Java. Also, I looked some more at project 0 and to see if there is anything I'm able to do for it now. Today I'm going to submit my timecard for the week and learn more about Java.

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