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Standup Notes Week 8

mahadHK edited this page Feb 25, 2022 · 2 revisions


Bobby -

Ian - Over the weekend I finished the logic on the main game. IT WORKED!! And I was helped over the finished line by Bobby making the styling and neatening up the presentation of the page, which was honestly a god sent. Afterwards we just had to put the whole project together. We all pulled each other's work and made sure that we were all on the same page with the project and ready to present. Today I plan on presenting the project and then crashing once the day is over.

Ivo -

Mahad - Over the weekend I had worked on the user update logic, which I was getting a bug that Bobby was able to help me with. Once the Bug was fixed, the user was then able to successfully update their information. Our team also practiced presenting our project and I also studied for QC today. I am looking forward to today's QC and seeing what today has in store for us.

Zack -


Bobby -

Mahad - Yesterday was kind of a weird day because QC was moved to Thursday so I didn't know what to do with myself really since we didn't start a new project and I had already studied for the upcoming QC, so I decide to take advantage and just relax the rest of the day because we barely get any of those days. Today I am looking forward to the new project and how that will be set up.

Ian - Yesterday we were assigned an exercise to create a class that worked like a queue or a stack. I wasn't able to get very far because I had two data leaks on my computer coming from the browser and IntelliJ. I had to call customer service to figure out the cause because my computer was freezing up. It turns out that I have a version of windows 10 on my computer that is Lenovo brand, and so the Operating System is not slotting in with the hard ware, and it's causing data leaks.

Ivo -

Zack -


Bobby -

Mahad - Yesterday, Project 3 was introduced to us and I for one was quite excited to see that we'd have multiple teams working on single functionalities. I believe it will be hard to get used to because of git version control and information overlapping but I am ready for the challenge. I also enjoy the fact that I got divided with the scrum team that I've been working with and we were assigned with the product display component and search functionality which I believe we nailed in our last project with the fuzzy lookup feature. I also volunteered to be apart of the Design team because I have experience as a Web Designer and with UX Design so I felt as though I might actually have something to contribute there. We basically just created a work environment to communicate. Today we will structure the different components and hopefully decide on a design for some of them.

Ian - Yesterday we started project 3. Our group was assigned to work on the display page and the search functionality. I want to balance with work with reviewing lecture notes. Today I plan on catching up with some errands, like the portfolio, the wiki and other chores. I will put proper effort into coding after I have formatted my computer, and reinstalled the correct version of Windows (a USB sent to me from Lenovo should be arriving today or tomorrow with the correct OS). Today I plan on studying for QC tomorrow.

Ivo -

Zack -


Bobby -

Mahad - Yesterday I designed all of the different components for the design team to visualize how I'd like to design our components and thankfully it was only good things that I heard about the designs, o maybe they were just trying to spare my feelings haha. Thereafter we decided to assume a component for ourselves and I had decided to take the navbar component since I have experience constructing that component from our previous project. I was able to design it yesterday, now I am just waiting for the login/registration features to be complete so that I can implement the logic for the navbar. Comping back to my Search/Display scrum team, we written out the different methods in the service layer of the back-end and written tests for them. We had also written some methods in the front-end and also made sure to write tests for those methods. We are trying our best to write tests for our methods as soon as we create them.

Ian -

Ivo -

Zack -


Bobby -

Mahad -

Ian -

Ivo -

Zack -

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