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Standup Notes Week 7

mahadHK edited this page Feb 25, 2022 · 11 revisions

02/14/2022 (Alphabetical, descending)

Bobby - The group met on Saturday and was able to make some design decisions which we hadn't figured out yet which was important. During this session I created a user class in the backend with associated repository (spring bean), service class and controller class for it. I also took some time on Sunday to mess around with the question and category classes/service that Zach had created in the front end. Was finally able to poll the JService API from our front end, get some categories and questions and then display them in a table on our test component page. Today I'm going to study for QC and then start creating the "Practice Mode" controller for the front end.

Mahad - On Saturday, our team met up and banged out the backend and some of the frontend of Project2. Bobby was really impressive when combining Angular with Java and the database and I learned as much as I could from him to implement onto the components I was assigned. I had also finished structuring the main game component and studied the Spring material for QC on Sunday (It was a pretty hard study).

Ian - Over the weekend the gang got together and we typed out our back end, using navigator pilot. I was unable to take a turn as pilot because my computer was running slow. This was a major blocker. My group members suggested that I should check my Task Manager, and the problem was the virtual machine I was running. Docker was set to run it on the start-up of my computer. I tried to find way to shut it down, but I was unable to. I ended up changing the setting on my docker desktop to not automatically run it, then I restarted my computer. Today Zack told me the problem was that I was trying to shut it down from within the EC2, the proper way is to shut it down from PowerShell. Regardless, over the weekend I was able to create the unit tests for our service layer using Mockito, and I was able to create a login and logout function.

Ivo - Over the weekend I tried figuring out how the Pokemon exercise works. Was not successful. I also studied for QC

Zach -


Bobby -

Mahad - I spent most of the time yesterday studying and doing one-ones and QC. I was meant to work on the logic of the main game component, but unfortunately had some severe pain in my mouth that held me back from doing so. Hence, I spent today in the hospital dealing with that.

Ian - I spent yesterday studying for QC, I went over the notes and completed the quiz to make sure that I was prepared for the questions. I feel comfortable that I was able to answer most with a fair degree of accuracy. With our back pretty much knocked out I turned my attention to the front end. I decided to start work on the main game. I want it to look and feel like Jeopardy. I'm hoping that this will be an opportunity to learn how to effectively data bind, use directives, and integrate this functionality with the service and models layer. To prepare for typing out the code I watched the HTML lectures and and Angular lectures on the file structure of Angular.

Ivo - Yesterday and this morning I continued struggling with the Pokemon exercise. Even though with Bobby's help i fixed the XMLHttpRequest error when connecting to my database by including a @CrossOrigin annotation, I am stil getting such an error when connecting to the Pokemon API. Until I understand how these basic things work there is no point to continue forward.

Zach -


Bobby - Yesterday worked on linking login functionality between back-end and front-end. Added password encryption to new user creation in the back-end and can successfully log in. Also tried to get pipeline build working in the EC2 but it just seems that the EC2 is too underpowered to actually build. We're going to have to build the project on our own machines and then send the complete build files to the EC2 via github webhooks. Today I'm going to get the current version of our back-end deployed on my EC2.

Mahad - Yesterday, I spent most of the time dealing with some pain I was enduring. Today I plan to catch up with my team and get back into the project hopefully not too far from where I had left off from.

Ian - Yesterday I feel like I got a good feel for how Angular was structured, up to that point I had no confidence in myself and felt like I had no understanding of how an Angular application worked, but now I know what the files are doing so that is upward momentum. Today I plan on watching more lectures. I am going to watch the lectures on data binding today and create the HTML page.

Ivo - Yesterday towards the end of the day I had a coding cession with Bobby. He showed me some useful things. He suggested that I try to connect the login backend functionality to the frontend. Today I'll be working on that.

Zach -


Bobby -

Mahad - Yesterday, I had spent a good amount of time catching up with my team and seeing what new adjustments they had made onto the project. My number one priority was to see what I could do to contribute and luckily there was still the Register component needing to be worked on so I spent yesterday structuring that component and also doing some minor back-end testing with the team. Today I plan on implementing some logic for creating a user in the back-end service along with the front-end service

Ian - Yesterday I created component filled in the HTML page and set up the variables in the ts file, today I plan getting started with the real logic in the ts file.

Ivo - Yesterday I learned a valuable lesson. When you declare a function in typescript you cannot have a space between the colon and the return type. It took me several hours to realize that, as event binding didn't work.

Zach -


Bobby - Yesterday I worked on styling some of the frontend components with bootstrap as well as finishing (for the most part) statistic tracking functionality. Today I'm going to focus on getting sessions and session attributes working in the back end.

Mahad - Yesterday I had gotten a huge amount of help from Bobby on the user creation logic, he practically did the whole thing because my logic was severely flawed for that method. I seen that he had already pushed the implementation to the branch so I did not bother to update it with mine. Today I plan on working with the update user component and hopefully finish applying the logic to it as well.

Ian - I feel like I made some real progress yesterday, I set up some extra files that are going to act like a database to store the variables that I need. I think that lay out is looking a lot like a 3 layered architecture, and I'm hoping that I progress will be relatively smooth from here. Over the weekend I plan on finishing the main component so that its ready to present on Monday. I have a lot of pride on the line to make this work.

Ivo -

Zach -

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