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Standup Notes Week 6

mahadHK edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 13 revisions


Ivo - during the weekend i reviewed the Angular lecture notes as well as the demo example codes. Although I now think that I understand how things work I have still not managed to apply Angular to project1.

Bobby - Over the weekend I played a little bit of catchup on last week's notes, going through some of the Angular examples again. Today I'm going to work with the group on setting up a game plan for our Project2, as well as taking notes in the lectures.

Zach - Over the weekend I reviewed the notes for the previous week and played around in Angular. My goal was to become more familiar with Angular since that is a technology that will be very relevant to future projects. Today I'm going to meet with my team and start organizing our Project2.

Mahad - Over the weekend, I spent some time making diagrams of Project 2 so that I'd be able to understand how we will go about the project and also to show my team members. I also spent a lot of time going over the previous weeks materials so that I'd be prepared for QC . Today I will meet with my team members and we will go over the next steps in our project.

Ian - Over the weekend I drew up a wire frame for our project2. There was more than necessary in it, but I think that making all avenues tangible gives the group something to look at draw from, reject and compare their own visions to. Today I plan on working on lectures, and taking direction form the group on what we should work on next. Creating a shared starting point and a robust foundation is an invaluable step in a group project.


Bobby - Yesterday I set up the repositories for Project2 and initialized a KanBan board for each of them. Before diving into actual work on the project, I wanted to make sure that we set up a pipeline with Jenkins to an EC2. I was able to get Jenkins working, however, our .gitignore file is configured to ignore .jar files so I need to remove that (as we want to build externally and just push the .jar file)

Zach - Yesterday, while waiting for our QC interviews, my team set up the repositories and a Kanban board for our Project2. We didn't do any actual coding for the project. Today we are going to set up a pipeline in Jenkins and connect it to an EC2.

Ivo - Last night i re-watched the videos on building a docker image. By the time I eached the Jenkings videos it was too lake as i had already spent a good half hour searching for my .pem file.

Mahad - Yesterday, our team had set up our project2 repositories and also the Kanban board on GitHub. We went in and decided for everyone to set up their Jenkins and Docker on their EC2s and set up webhooks. Today we will continue with the webhooks and also think about starting some actual code.

Ian - Yesterday the group set up the repositories for the front and back end of our project 2. I started up a docker instance on my EC2, and tied web-hooks from GitHub to my Jenkins build. Today I plan on taking further instruction from the group on how we want to set up our S3.


Bobby - Figured out how to automatically push the frontend repository from Jenkins into an S3 bucket. Unfortunately (as is the case with the backend) our EC2's can't handle building the project inside of them. As a stop gap, decided to set up Jenkins pipelines on my own PC as opposed to the EC2. Unfortunately I can't set up a git webhook to something on my PC because I don't have a public IP address (only my router does) but what I CAN do is go into Jenkins, manually click the build button, and have it pull the repository from gitHub, build it, and push the finished product to my EC2 and S3.

Ian - I set up my S3, but did not tie it to my EC2 or Jenkins. The web-hook process was more involved and I ended up putting that project down. Today, now that I think that the set-up for our project is complete, I plan on building the component of our main game. I need to practice with HTML, CSS, and DOM manipulation in Type Script. Afterwards I hope to graduate to working on the service and models layer.

Mahad - Yesterday I was able to set up my Jenkins in our EC2, but I had some difficulty setting up the webhooks, even though I believe I set it up correctly. Today I will seek assistance from my team in finishing my webhook and I am looking forward to working on the different components in our project2.


Bobby - Yesterday I completed a bare bones version of a log in page using an angular component. I also created a "currentUser" service that can be used to hold information on the user who logs in (such as username, highscores, etc.) that can be shared between different components in the application that need them. Today I'm going to investigate how much a more powerful EC2 would cost (may just create one for this project and delete it before the month is over).

Ian - Yesterday I re-watched some of the lectures from week 2, I am creating the HTML page, and I made some progress in putting that together. But I still need to understand Bootstrap for CSS, I am hoping that I may be able to make a global styling page instead of just one for the game. Today I hope to continue working on that.

Mahad - Yesterday I finished structuring the register component and I will be implementing some logic to that component today hopefully.


As the lack of my wikis for the past couple of days reveals, I haven't made much progress. On Wednesday evening I managed to connect our project2 backend repo to an EC2 with a webhook (thanks to the fact that Bobby was kind enough to share his experience). Yesterday evening I tried mimiking Tim's code from the SpringData example but althogh I think I took his code verbatim and adapted it to the pokemon exercise, I am not able to make a connection to the RDS. As to the Angular frontend I am as a whole clueless. With Bobby's help I managed to deduce that we should have two tables - "pokemons" and "trainers" and that's about it.

Ian - Yesterday, I took the day off to work on our Spring exercise. I got all of the code implemented but I never tested it, so I haven't run the gauntlet of having to debug it. Over the weekend I want to prioritize project 2 and work on my component, and return to the PokeApp after I have working some more on how to put together a proper front end, I think that I will be able to debug it better once I see how to HTTP requests and responses are fed to the view.

Mahad - Yesterday, I became heavily invested into our Poke Spring exercise because of the fact that it is a mini version of our current project, so it is essential that I understand all of the different moving parts from the exercise. Today, I hope to work on the main game component and at least have it structured out.

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