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Standup Notes Week 5

mahadHK edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 17 revisions


Bobby - Got a good amount done on Project 1 over the weekend. We now have full stack capabilities for a handful of functions (such as adding new users to the database and removing existing users, logging in/out). There are only a handful more functions to get complete until the "basic" project is done. From here we plan to flesh out some editing functionality for the reimbursement requests, as well as focus on things like deploying HTML pages to an S3 and setting up a pipeline with Jenkins.

Ivo - I did some work on project1 during the weekend. We also worked together with Zach. I wasn't able to study for QC today.

Zach - Over the weekend I worked on project1 with Ivo and got a lot of work done. We finished almost all the main functionality for the project. I also studied a bit for QC today and took all the quizzes to learn where I need to improve the most.

Mahad - After doing some extensive testing and mocking on friday with Bobby, I was able to get a better idea of how everything in the back-end is mingling with everything in the front-end. Did some front end implementation and met up with Bobby on Sunday to compare our work. I also spent a good amount of time studying for QC and I will hope to do well on that today.

Ian - I worked on project 1 over the weekend. Our back end in completed and now we are finishing up the front end and we are trying to put our project up on an EC2.


Bobby - Yesterday was basically dedicated to interviewing and practicing for interviews which fortunately went pretty well. The last major thing to do for the project is to add approval/deny capabilities for the managers in the front end so hopefully will get that implemented today so we can start focusing on the stretch goals over the next two days.

Zach - Yesterday I got a lot of work done on the project with Ivo. All the major functionality is included, and now we mostly just need to refactor code to make it RESTful. My QC interview didn't go very well. I got asked a lot of questions about Linux that I was not prepared for, so I learned a lot about where I need to focus my studies. Today, either after work or while Tim is in meetings, I'm going to put the finished touches on the project with Ivo and do a bit of studying on Linux and Linux commands.

Mahad - Yesterday was an intense QC because of the fact we were expected to be able to explain all the material since week 2. I feel as though I definitely did better than my last QC interview, but I still have to work on my terminology. I was hoping to get more work done on my side so we could've started some stretch goals or testing today, but unfortunately I had a tough time pulling Bobby's code and updating it with my code. This took longer than I expected, but I hope to finish the functionality to create a new reimbursement request and approve requests by tonight. I am also looking forward to learning about Angular today; I have had a peek on what kind of functionality it can add to an application to make it much more sleek, so pretty excited to learn about that.

Ian - Yesterday we conducted mock interviews. I am unsure of how confident I should feel. I think that my answers to questions may be headed in the right direction, but that I am not phrasing them as an expert would. Today I am going to continue working on project 1.


Bobby - (yesterday) started learning about angular and node.js which were actually really interesting. I'd like to play around with them a little bit more and even potentially transfer our Project1 to an angular project and see if I can move it over to an EC2. (today) The "meat and bones" of the project is done so today I want to try and work on some of the stretch goals today and then tomorrow try and work on the presentation aspect of the project.

Mahad - Yesterday we were introduced to Angular and I was able to see how it can assist in making the front-end application more sleek and have the entire application run on a single page instead of having to load through multiple web pages. I also had a tough time understanding what my partner (Bobby) implemented in the Java application so I spent a good portion of yesterday trying to understand that and so today I will be focusing on implementing the front-end functionality of creating and approving requests on my Project1. I am also looking forward to learning more about Angular today.

Zach - Yesterday I put the finishing touches on Project1. I implemented the last of the functionalities, i.e. the logout function and the validation. During the lectures I learned about Angular which was a little unintuitive at first. But when we started working on demos I started to be impressed with it. Today, even though my project is technically finished, I might take another look at the code and see what I can refactor or clean up.

Ian - Yesterday we began our lectures on Angular. It looks really daunting, the libraries seem expansive, and the syntax is a superset of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. I've had trouble keeping up, because Tim switched between files adding imports and references. I'm definitely going to need to take some time to sit down and memorize what each of the files is for so I can work with some understanding as I was the demos. Today I am going to work on project 0, there is more work to be done in the JavaScript layer.


Ivo - Yesterday I had trouble with the Angular exercise Time gave us. After lectures I pulled our group's project from github. I ran "npm install" and the "add @bootstrap..." commands. The when i tried "ng serve -o" it loaded a blank page in the browser. I saw how the others did their tasks and tried mimicking and adding my inputs. So far I'm stuck. Today hopefully I'll be able to figure this out. I also tried to see the "professional portfolio" section on Revature Connect, but there was no menu available under my profile. I sent an inquiry to support

Zach - Yesterday I learned more about Angular and Dependency Injection. I was impressed with how modular Angular could be. After work, I looked at my Project1 and did some refactoring, primarily in the DAO layer. I didn't really work to speed anything up; I just got rid of a lot of redundant code and made the DAO layer easier to maintain/debug. Tonight, I might take one final look at the project and if I think of any small functionalities I can implement, I might work on that.

Bobby - Yesterday I added a little more front-end functionality to the project. Today I'm going to try and put the finishing touches on the project.

Ian - Yesterday's project was really helpful to understanding how to use Angular. I was only the tip of the iceberg, but it got my hand on the code and seeing how to add components, which was really useful. I even experimented with creating a *ngfor loop. Today I am going to stay and plan out the presentation with my group members and clear up any loose ends on the project.

Mahad - Yesterday I had worked on the front-end functionality and trying to interact with the server. I will spend more time today trying to crack down on that and trying to understand the changes that Bobby had made to the back-end. I am also looking forward to learning more about Angular and seeing how it can make my next project a hit.


Bobby - Yesterday was dedicated to finishing up the project and working on the presentation. Truth be told I skimped on the lectures for the day so I'm going to need to go back and re-go over it. Over the weekend I'm going to totally re-go over all of the lectures from this week as I was a little distracted with trying to finish the project and some other things.

Ivo - Yesterday after lectures I tried to catch up on the Angular material. Today and over the weekend I would like to experiment connecting our project backend to an Angular front end.

Ian - Yesterday we cleaned up the project and I'm really proud of the work we did. Today WE PRESENT. Over the weekend I am going to have to catch up on a lot. Quizzes, lectures and project retrospectives, oh my.

Zach - Yesterday I put the finishing touches on the Project and went over what to present with Ivo. Today I'm going to present the project with Ivo, and afterwards, I'm going to decompress and relax. Over the weekend I'm going to do some studying and mess around in Angular to become more comfortable with it.

Mahad - Yesterday I had spent a whole lot of time getting the functionality to Approve/deny requests and create new requests, but for some reason I was getting stuck somewhere that I had no idea how to figure out. I had asked Bobby for help and he so graciously finished that functionality for me and we worked on our presentation together.