Ponjika can store any information in the form of a playlist. And help users to organize information. Websites will use API to collect information for anime, movies, and books. without these three categories, people can insert custom items. and make custom categories. every item will have a description, link, and icon.
The version we used of flask_uploads was not updated thats why we have to do this.
- Go to this director
- open flask_uploads.py
- find from werkzeug. import secure_filename,FileStorage
- replace the line with from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
- Download The Repo then run main.py
- Make sure your cmd run location same as the main.py location
- See init.py to change database settings
- Create user account
- Login to user account
- Create a category
- Category name
- Category detail
- Add item to category
- Item name
- Item icon
- Item detail
- Delete /edit category
- Delete/edit item
- Search an item
- Logout