This is a server-side JVM application for simple notes keeping (you can add and list notes via REST and gRPC) implemented in clean architecture in Kotlin.
Check out according client-side app(s).
and app-api
are Kotlin Multiplatform modules.
Install them to local Maven repository for the JVM clients:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Generate CocoaPod specs for iOS clients (iOS simulator target only - iosX64
./gradlew podspec
Note: while Kotlin/Multiplatform is still experimental
compiler option is used.
Here is a quick recap of the benefits that clean architecture brings:
- Independent of Frameworks
- Testable
- Independent of UI
- Independent of Database
- Independent of any external agency
You can find few more files in subdirectories.
Find the classes in clean architecture diagram:
Run using Spring:
./gradlew :app-spring:bootJar
or Quarkus:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
./mvnw clean compile quarkus:dev -f app-quarkus/pom.xml
Current Gradle support is not mature enough, so using Maven instead.
One can find few unit tests that demonstrate some benefits of clean architecture for testing.
./gradlew test
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
./mvnw test -f app-quarkus/pom.xml
Integration testing of app-spring-vaadin
is a bit tricky (one have to use commercial testing framework from Vaadin team Testbench
make Selenide
working with TestContainers
First, run the app from IDE or command line:
./gradlew :app-spring:bootRun
Add a note by navigating to URL as follows http://localhost:8080/api/add?title=title1&body=body1
List the notes by navigating to URL http://localhost:8080/api/list
Add a note at web page with URL http://localhost:8080/app/add
Make sure you can see added note (forwarded after adding) http://localhost:8080/app/list
Make sure you've installed the modules into local Maven repo:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Run the app from command line:
./mvnw spring-boot:run -f app-spring-vaadin/pom.xml
Add a note at web page with URL http://localhost:8080/app/add
Make sure you can see added note (forwarded after adding) http://localhost:8080/app/list
- Kotlin, Kotlin/Native programming language
- Kotlin Multiplatform for multiplatform configuration/building
- IntelliJ IDEA IDE for coding
- Gradle with Kotlin DSL for building
- Maven for dependency management (for JVM clients, Quarkus and Vaadin)
- CocoaPods for dependency management (for iOS/macOS clients)
- ORMLite ORM for persistence
- H2 db engine for testing
- Spring Web for HTTP REST
- Spring MVC for Front end
- Thymeleaf for views templating
- Vaadin for Front end
- Spring Boot for bootstrapping
- Quarkus for AOT-compilation and bootstrapping
- GraalVM for AOT-compilation into native binaries with Quarkus
- Google Protocol Buffers and gRPC for RPC
- Travis CI for CI
Any feedback and discussion is appreciated. Contact me on e-mail for this or fork the repository and pull a request.
Anton Smirnov
dev [at] antonsmirnov [dot] name