This E Voting system client is made using ReactJs and backend is made using Solidity having proper test written.
The account used to deploy the contract will be the admin account.
- Add multiple teams standing for vote having fields (Team Name, Representative and Team description).
- User can login to his/her account using metamask and register for voting. User must provide first name, last name, email, UIDAI, date of birth (18 or above).
- User must be verified by the admin to give vote.
- After verification user is eligible to give vote to a team.
Node Js
Truffle First install Node Js. As we use truffle so must have to install the truffle as a global or local dependency using npm
npm i truffle
truffle test
The truffle configure file configured as deploying the contract to ganache by changing that you can deploy it to truffle
truffle develop
it will open a truffle console, then type
migrate --reset
Install all the dependency for react
npm install
To start the react development server
npm start
Then go to http:localhost:3000 and enjoy 🥳.