Extensions Compilation
To install git clone https://github.com/777388/RealTime.git
then go into chrome://extensions and then load unpacked and then load in the RealTime folder
Right click on a page for some of the extensions, highlight and right click for others. Enjoy!
Accumulator: Accumulate to mathematical domain.
bucketlist: Search highlighted through S3, windows blob, digitalocean, google drive, and usgovcloudapi
Projectlight & Projectlight PDF: full ipv4 range backend server recon regarding projects of what you highlight
Researchlight & Researchlight PDF: Full ipv4 range backend server recon regarding research of what you highlight
Genome: Highlight language for genome sequencing. (*Requires 20 characters in the provided site, so you can try duplicating the output in ACGT format to 20 chars)
identifylevel: Assigned Level (amount of letters highlighted + last letter in the highlighted)
identifysublevel: Assigned SubLevel (amount of letters highlighted + last letter in the highlighted)
identifyroom: Assigned Room (last letter in the highlighted + amount of letters highlighted)
identifyworkspace: Assigned Room (first letter in the highlighted + amount of letters highlighted)
WikiSearch: search highlighted through wikipedia
BigSearch: Opens up tabs of whats highlighted searching through Spotify, IMDb, epic games, steam, microsoft, github, guitarcenter, musiciansfriend, ebay, amazon, wikipedia, fbi, reddit, 4chan, tumblr, deviantart, alienvault, gematrix, google news, instagram, merriam-webster, twitter, cia, metager, alltheinternet, qwant, startpage, yandex, webcrawler, dogpile, aol, duckduckgo, google, youtube, swisscows, yahoo, ecosia, wolframalpha, baidu, bing, patents, archive, google books, google maps, nasa, bible, pantheon, patreon, harvard databases, congress, harvard business review, international brand database, gov search, mil search, mirror search, USA.gov and CRT.sh
CIASearch: CIA search
backroomssearch: search through backrooms
Glasses: domain.glass lookup of selected Text (Does not have to be an actual domain, just highlight any text, it will remove the %20)
SenseCurrentSCP: Scp wiki lookup based off timing
MatrixSearch: Gematrix.org lookup
Webster: Definition through Webster
Link: Turn highlighted text into an https:// link
openArchive: Full domain reconnaissance using Archive.org
Average: Find the average of the highlighted text
Backy: Waybackmachine report on Current Page
CentralIntelligenceAccumulator: Accumulator of highlighted text which searches through CIA
CIALogistics: Enough Said
CRT: CRT lookup of highlighted text
DomainGlass: Domain.Glass lookup for accumulated highlighted text
DomainGlasses: Domain.glass lookup for current domain
FearAndLoathing: Page chooser for Hunter S Thompson's Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas.
InstaSearch: Instagram Search
MassData: Mathematical Domain Mass Data Logger, to access the log run it with the background console open in chrome://extension 1+E238 domains.
MassDataFaster: Orchestration of MassData through Asynchronous Actions, (May cause stalling until finished, est 1-2 minutes)
SenseCurrent: Sense the Current
Nonsite: non .com browser open
Reversing: Reverse Engineering page chooser on the book Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering
ReverseLight: Backend recon regarding what was highlighted.
PDFLight: backend PDF search of what you highlight
GOVLight: backend Gov search
Userlight: backend user search
Deedlight: backend contract and deed search
banklight: backend bank search
SenseCurrentPresence: Sense current Presence related
Strong: Determine the time and date, then accumulate from the selected text added to it from both sides anonymously placing the accumulation back into the characters before mapping out the numerical value.
WebCache: Google Webcache
XSearch: Search through Twitter/X
SuperSquare: Builds a matrix of highlighted text, squaring the charCodeAt() of each Char, then multiplying the total added together by the square of the Matrix Length.
47: Mass Data into Illegal Bins (broken simulation)