Javascript bridge for bridge io containing Node Client, Server and Browser Client and Server
Note: Since javascript dosen't support blocking, await must be used when calling functions that return a value or when getting attributes
To pass keyword arguments add '$' to the end of the attribute or function name then pass in a dict/object as the last argument
You can also prefix functions with '$' to run that function in a thread.
const { python } = require("js_bridge");
const py = python();
let str = await py.str;
let word = await str("Hello World");
py.print(str); // Dosen't return a value so no need to await
Bottle/ Flask app created using js_bridge and py_bridge
const { python } = require("js_bridge");
const py = python();
async function bottleTest() {
let bottle = await py.import("bottle");
let app = await bottle.Bottle();
await app.route("/<name>", "GET", async (name) => {
let url = await bottle.request.path
return `Hello from ${name} at: ${url}`
await app.$run$({ host: "localhost", port: 8081 })
async function flaskTest() {
let Flask = await py.import("flask:Flask"); // same as { Flask } = await py.import('flask'); This dosen't work tho..
let app = await Flask("JsApp");
app.add_url_rule$("/", { methods: ["GET"],
endpoint: "index",
view_func: async function() {
return `Hello world.`
app.add_url_rule$("/<name>", { methods: ["GET"],
endpoint: "name",
view_func: async function(name) {
return `Hello ${name}.`
app.$run$({ host: "localhost", port: 8081 });
// bottleTest()
// flaskText()