This is a public repository for OGC training material that can be improved by anyone. If you are a geo developer or an instructor of a Geospatial Web Course this repository is for you.
- Each standard has its own Folder
- Each folder for each standard contains two folders: slides and img
- The slides will be build as PDF under the folder build
- The custom folder contains additional custom information. For example the cover of the presentation. You should customize this to fit your needs.
- Each file is written in rst.
- Each file extension is .rst
- Each file should contain language code at the end of the file name. For example for wms in protugese wms_pt.rst.
- ISO 2 letter language codes should be used:
The reference location of the images is relative to the slides folder. So to insert an image from the cat/img the following must be done:
.. image:: ../img/metadataaboutdata.jpg
Edit in the custom folder the slides and images to be included in the beginning and end of the presentation
To test how the cover page looks you can run the following (See next topic):
rst2pdf ./custom/cover.rst -s -o cover.pdf
Edit the list_of_slides_to_build.txt. Provide the link to the file you want to include in the presentation.
- Only include the file name and not the fie type .rst. for example:
- wms/slides/wms_en.rst
- To build the slides, Shpinx needs to be installed.
- Geoserver provides good documentation about how to proceed.
- Then install rst2pdf
- Run (Currently, only based unix systems are supported)
- The script will:
- Remove all the pdfs under the build root folder
- Read the list_of_slides_to_build.txt
- Under each standard/slides folder will remove a build folder
- Under each standard/slides folder it will create a build folder
- Temporary store the pdf file under standard/slides/build
- Copy in the root build folder the pdfs created locally in each standard folder. They will be numbered following the order in the list_of_slides_to_build.txt.
- Merge all the pdfs files under build as ogc-tutorial.pdf
- The PDF will be created under the build folder and will appear as tutorial.pdf