Hack Bot is a discord bot originally made for discord hack week but it was so good we put it out to the rest of the world. Do you have any more questions about the bot? Send a DM to Kowlin#4417 or A Trash Coder#0981 or join the Support Server.
Shows info about the bot.
Shows the bot’s latency.
/userinfo [optional: user]
Shows information on the user. When not mentioning a user, shows the command authors information.
Shows information on the server.
Sends you the link to this page.
Shows different bot list where you can upvote the bot, you will soon recieve perks for doing so.
/addword [word]
This command adds a word to list of blocked words for the automoderation module. The automod module must be turned on in order to work.
/removeword [word]
This command removes a word from the list of blocked words for the automoderation module.
This command shows the available automod commands.
/automod [on / off]
This command turns the autmoderation module on or off, to turn on, simply do /automod on to turn off, do /automod on. Automoderation is off by default.
/automod inviteblocker
Toggles the invite blocker feature for the server on and off. Default is off.
/automod cursewords
Toggles the blocked word feature for the server on and off. Default is off.
This command shows the available logging commands.
/log bulkmessagedelete
Toggles the bulk_message_delete event. Default on.
/log channelcreate
Toggles the channel_create event. Default on.
/log channeldelete
Toggles the channel_delete event. Default on.
/log memberban
Toggles the member_ban event. Default on.
/log memberjoin
Toggles the member_join event. Default on.
/log memberleave
Toggles the member_leave event. Default on.
/log memberunban
Toggles the member_unban event. Default on.
/log messagedelete
Toggles the message_delete event. Default on.
/log messageedit
Toggles the message_edit event. Default on.
/log rolecreate
Toggles the role_delete event. Default on.
/log roledelete
Toggles the role_delete event. Default on.
/removeword [word]
Removes a word from the list of blocked words.
Lists all the blocked words in that server.
/ban [user] [optional: reason]
Bans the specified/mentioned user.
/kick [user] [optional: reason]
Kicks the specified/mentioned user.
/purge [ammount]
Deletes the specified amount of messages.
/deafen [user]
Deafens the specified/mentioned user. They have to be in a voice channel!
/undeafen [user]
Undeafens the specified/mentioned user. They have to be in a voice channel!
/nickname [user] [nickname]
Sets the nickname of the specified/mentioned user. If a nickname is not specified, it will reset the nickname.
/warn [user] [reason]
Warns the specified/mentioned user.
/warns [optional: user]
Shows the specified members warns, if no user is mentioned, will show the warns for the author.
Shows the warns of the server or user.
/case [case id]
Shows information about the specified case.
/reason [case id] [new reason]
Edits the reason for the specified case.
/addrole [user] [role]
Adds a role to the specified member.
/removerole [user] [role]
Removes a role to the specified member.
/mute [user] [reason]
Mutes the specified member.
/unmute [user] [reason]
Un-mutes the specified member.
/slowmode [delay time]
Sets the slowmode to the specified number.
Sets the log for the guild.
Sets the modlog for the guild.